Saturday, August 12, 2023

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Luis Doneswhat is to sin john?
AthenicGod will is our will as every commandment is God's will but yet we under grace knowing that what was faith is now the Law of God
Johnsin is anything that is not of faith
Johnand sin is anything we know to do and do it not
Luis Doneswhat law John you almost got it brother what law is he referring too
Johni have God in me
YxungAsh-_-to know what to do and not do it is sin
Luis DonesJohn its t
Johni almost got it,lol
Abdullafarrukk@tom yes it's part of the religion. Money is no concern towards my lord
Luis Dones1 John 3:4 “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.”
Johndo you have God in you?
Johnhave you been baptized into Christ?
YxungAsh-_-sin is something that affects you spiritualy, in a bad way, it can destroy your life
Johnif not you should look into it
TomGeeCallioabd Christians would die for your life I suppose. it's extremely ðŸ˜Œ
YxungAsh-_-we shouldnt have division
Athenicwhen some sins it makes others sin. it an debt that one can lose their own soul
Johni know it hate strife
Johnsome people just want to argue everythime i see them
Athenicsin is only anger, and you would anger someone then you sin against them.
Luis Donesremember 1 John is the book after all the books after Paul's writings so why would 1 John remind us of GOD’S laws after Paul's writings?
Johnsome are always frustrated because they frustrate the grace of God
Abdullafarrukk@tom I'm not here to recruit. like all the other pretends hey lol
Luis Dones1 John 2:4 “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
TomGeeCallioAbd they are all new. Full of bible versus. You won't see them in a few weeks lol
Athenicif you do not keep the commandments then you would lie because its always embarrassing to know the true. :)
Johnnot only will you keep the commandments you will not sin period
Luis Doneswhy would the book of Revelation remind us of GOD’S COMMANDMENTS and the faith of Jesus Christ John can you explain that
Johnyou will not hate your brother
Johnyou will not look at a woman to lust
Luis DonesScripture #1Revelation 12:17 – And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Luis DonesScripture #2Revelation 14:12 – Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.Scripture #3
Luis DonesScripture #3Revelation 22:14 – Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.
AbdullafarrukkI've been here a year, I know Thom many many try hards
YxungAsh-_-john you have comitted sin before right
Athenicremember we have to use our wisdom and find the best solution in this scripture
Johnyeah i was a horrible sinner
Athenici fought with the dragon sounds like i fought the dragon but i fought on the same side of the dragon.
YxungAsh-_-yea me to but god has forgiven us so shall we forgive our brothers and sisters
Athenicis i fought with the dragon
Johni always forgive because i am forgiven
Johnforgiving others is a fruit of being forgiven
TomGeeCallioabd there r many mentally ill people recently on the Chanel also.
YxungAsh-_-we are all connected by the Holy Spirit so when we have division it can grieve the holy spirit
Athenicwe Christians will go to hell before we hurt some who sins against us? forgive no matter what.
Johni used to be frustrated when i was not resting in Christ
Johnwe have to abide in Christ 24/7
Johnwe have to be harmless and blameless
AbdullafarrukkYes we'll that always happens. Rasta should respect even the sick Tom. It's just natural part of the life my brother
YxungAsh-_-athenic do you believe in god
Johnmy bible -hub is not working or i would share the word with you all, but you can type in just a key word and read it for yourselves
Johnfor instance type in abide in Christ jesus and all the scriptures that corrispond will come up and you can read them
Atheniconly if God believes in Me? :)
TomGeeCallioYour always a inspiration Rasta Abdullah. God bless you
Johntype in blameless and all the scriptures about who we are to be blameless
AbdullafarrukkThanks an praises Christian Thom
Johntype in new covenat and read the difference between the old and the new
Athenici walked with God 33 years that is one score 13 years.
Johntype in being baptized into Christ
Johnread about how God dwells in his people in the new covenant
AthenicGod is us as we are in God
Johnhave a great day God bless
Athenicyou too John
YxungAsh-_-have a great day
Athenicwho hates Satan?
Athenicno you dont
Athenicwe hate no one
Athenicnever hate anyone that you do not know
YxungAsh-_-the devil your enemy prowls around seeking someone to devour
AbdullafarrukkWhy do you block people John ? what are you hiding?
Athenicremember have to take every scripture to be good and not evil. we use wisdom to find the hidden manna
TomGeeCalliostop blocking people john. Rasta abd is a good man
Athenicsatan get behind me? means Satan watch my back.
Abdullafarrukklet him go Thom. not worth it
Athenicno one would let someone they do not trust to get behind them.
Athenicso who hates Satan?
Athenici am the beast. but not an accuser or a liar or murderer. because that is what people had believed. ever when the bible says he do great miracles and people like him. the only people who see Miricales
Athenicare good people
Athenicthey will fear you because they do not know you
Atheniclook at icon 969
AbdullafarrukkI can agree with that being a Rastafarian
YxungAsh-_-And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.
Athenicthe rasta is the head of Gods garden that washes their harir with fresh fruits
YxungAsh-_-not saying you should hate but you sholud not love the devil
Athenicbut if you cast out the Devil you spoil the House.
Athenici am the Devil
YxungAsh-_-bro what are you saying
YxungAsh-_-your tweakin
Athenici wish bro bro
YxungAsh-_-just chill kid
Athenici might be stoned
YxungAsh-_-your not the devil
Athenicbut that is no reason to get dtoned
YxungAsh-_-ask god to forgive you for saying that
YxungAsh-_-yo theres 91 people in here and no ones chatting
Athenicwhy would another person say that i am not the Devil your right because i am the Father of the Devil. sorry
YxungAsh-_-bro what?
YxungAsh-_-i hate the devil that will always be true for me
Athenichave you ever thought that God would return can he be a man or woman?
YxungAsh-_-dk about you though
Athenica man just like me or you?
YxungAsh-_-bro god is not a man
Athenicwhen he returns
YxungAsh-_-he is the I AM he is THE ALMIGHTY
Athenicdo you believe?
YxungAsh-_-it says god is not a man that he should lie
Athenicwhen returns. do you believe that he can be a man. living?
Athenicok you dont believe in the coming og God thats kool brother
Athenicwhat do you believe in?

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