Thursday, August 17, 2023

False Witnessing of Those Who You Do Not Know

 those who speak about Jesus's story with comments that mislead other into believing a lie. will surely be persecuted if their comment had led to any lie or any persecution of any holy person that had tried to reveal the truth but was persecuted by a time that was thought to be greater than own day today. and if you know the true story of Jesus Christ's persecution then you would hold sacred what God had done to forgive, but you had taught hate after the Christ had died and risen because of our faults in life was caused by not knowing God will. to forgive is to forget any wrong doing. and if you could not forget what happened to Me yesterday is to be unforgiving for our sins today. why cant you forgive anyone who sinned a thousand years ago or more. how would that forgive your sin today if yesterday is only time that can not be forgiven. who could you say that my sins are forgiven but those who sinned before are not? that is a disgrace among our people today that says to Judas Iscariot  that we did know the true story but still persecute you who that he betrayed me without my will spoken. and not only do you tell a story that persecutes all good people of God, but you think that you would enter into Heaven by telling a lie that would last as long as the truth would last forever. did you think that it would not come upon you for false witnessing about something you never knew the about. your wrong and all those who ignore the Prophet of God will find not only their place in Hell but a place that will be filled with lies as they consume themselves with fire and brimstone to be there everlasting supper at God table again. they had fallen into Hell and from God's grace long time ago.

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