Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Fire of Heaven is a Baptism of Grace

 those who have been down the spiritual turn then they will have to complete their account on earth before they die then they will ever enter into life again, for they thought that the many who were inside of us were dead but it was only them who were dead without life or any time that is given to awaken as a chance to live again. but you spiritual account stops you from entering Heaven on Earth. you can never live in Heaven or on Earth as it is in Heaven because you can not repent to those who you sinned against, because that sin will return to earth and kill an innocent person because you did not know Roger Grant had saved you from the fire the first time but this time i can not save them from the fire that keeps burning on and on until it gets bigger and you still think that you will enter into our Heaven without repentance for your day is long and hard in captivity and never getting easier. and you will not see reincarnation so that the evil in you that could not expire would still exist in the fires of Heaven while in Hell and that is to come within us all who believe in transgression of sin.

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