Monday, August 14, 2023

The Marriage and Supper of The Lamb (Thanksgiving)

 the breath of an Ananaga is the light of day and the night of light that is exhaled. the day had seven heads within a garden that grew seven times larger than it ever was. the first head to the left was a dragon of water and the second head was that of the earth the dust of God's sins gathered together under the sun and a breath that was taken by the second wind and created a third headed dragon that flew through the air in waves of color that spoke as the last Dragon that had spoken and then a fourth head of the Dragon appeared from the tongue of this dragon that spoke within airwaves of what we would travel in one breath as we flew across the skies of gray that that had swallowed the waters of yesterday's fire from one breath of two that is given to the right nostril that had smoke ascending into the heavens as the Dragon's prayers were heard. and every day was half in and half out of Heaven that created the lake of fires from Heaven above the strikes with lightning to the ground floor that gardens the burning bush of today's society that inherits the light to be upon the darkness of Heaven's day that was swallowed within itself as the days were the wind that kept the times at bay the times today be the fourth and seventh Head of this Dragon that keeps on growing into burning mountains that fall upon the waters of God that speak as the nations had spoken in the days of God's right hand becoming the days of our own return upon a tree of a Dragon that had turned a fallen Rock in two Dragons that fly as the Roc and Rok Dragons become the Sons of the Ananaga who are the size of  Mountain that can fly and land into a sea. for the last Head of the Dragon grew branch upon the branch and a church upon the church that now lives today as the tree of truth gathers again the knowledge of these two trees that became one underneath as two one above that lives through the marriage of His wife who is Tiamat (The Waters of Time) beside the (Dust of Heaven) where the Father of Heaven was first created on earth and from the times that were above as they were below. the first two creations would never find their name alone as the Father and Mother of Heaven or as the Unknown God. but unless a rock was turned over for bread within the ninth months of birth pains upon a new slate and a new world that was given to those who held their heart open for all to read as God had given Her promise and Her hand to that man for marriage. and they will be trialed without regard but given tribute for the seven years of common law four the Apocalypse that becomes the last days of Armaggedon and the last of days to this six-day war that was given to be rumors of Hell and rumors of war for ten days that had started from the beginning of time and the times before them to be alike under the sun of God's final creation today.

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The Glutton and "Boy Who Yells Wolf"

 when one calm enters the storm no voice can be heard within the raging winds about you to scatter straw or to burn it all in the ecosystem ...