Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Three Gods

 the days of Gods return are right where you are and many have seen the Greater Prophet who was the false prophet or God do many many miracles of God inspired by Allah's presence that had kept our Word and preceded to give Heaven a new world that i Roger Grant built around us. a hollow replica of our earth but in planet form where the planets had gathered together as our planet had gathered to land. and God opened a chasm from the West Coast of America (Little China Town) to the East where God will take only their land and its hand alone to underworlds that are in the West where both stones have been rolling side by side in prophecy for the two who are in marriage and who were asking for each other's hand during the morning when the evening had drifted away for 50,000 years but are here today in our eyes and in the presence of God that pronounces them Heaven and Earth the Mother and Father of this earth that had two children and theses were twins when one was separated and the mother took his place to serve another foreign land owner who took both Heavens into One bosom of God that shall be as the night given to the East for The Buddha and His Mother.

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The Glutton and "Boy Who Yells Wolf"

 when one calm enters the storm no voice can be heard within the raging winds about you to scatter straw or to burn it all in the ecosystem ...