Monday, September 4, 2023

The Beast of God's Garden

Honor Your Family as God

i had come to a mid point where God had given to us the last time that would given. as we all know that we have came back from the grave and are new in body that was the same as before but will never be the same after that. in mid life crisis think, "God had been given this inspiration to change wisdom into truth or mystery into history. there is no set time or our origin that calculates a name or life time within history that changes the world as we know it to become what was again if we don't keep changing our world or growing in universal structure to what was changed. and if we die anytime for religion let it be for each others heart that could not be found in ones heart inspired to hate, so destruction was given to them that never had a hand in creation and only wanted to destroy our own way of life. said Sinfield. every name in the book of life is a grave stone marked by God's burial. please do not curse any one of them who had died and had already conquered death. and at the same time they are the ones who act like demons with no principality or authority when they are only unclean spirits, and who are people that we knew in life before to they had died and not Demons that people had once thought suffered them. but people who were jealous, because they do not know us in life. they are the ones that haunt good people when they could be helping people out of problems but because they are afraid of being judged in the afterlife they will fall in a chasm of fire and be restored in the underworld if God willing. but those who keep cursing good people while they are dead are really cursing their own family tree. and when that tree produces no fruit it will wither and be thrown into the fire of life were everything is freely renewed. 

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