Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Curse of God's Word Entered the Mouth

today we have God's glory to be given for our own time that had faith in God's returns. and taking down the enemy into the earth where God welcomes those who heard the Word of God through Me Roger Grant and still kept their faith unto God and our own victory over the unclean spirits during the great cleansing on earth that had forsaken the West Christ (Roger) who had  separated the House from Heaven, the church from state and made them equal as all things became new. through the Trinnity (1) who was, (2) who is, and (3) who will be the Word of God and the one who became the Trinitatus Who is Gods, Buddha and Allah. who weighs the Feather to the Words of God, for flesh to manifest God's promise within them who believed that i had returned from Hell and will establish the Heavenly Kingdom from Earth. if you never seen God then do not fight the one who had saved all the Gods in Heaven and every person in our universe. and if you are not fighting Me then why did your ass (donkey) tell you that you will die if these words would fall down again to the earth, without knowing the spirit of Christ that had become flesh as Heaven became on earth.

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The Glutton and "Boy Who Yells Wolf"

 when one calm enters the storm no voice can be heard within the raging winds about you to scatter straw or to burn it all in the ecosystem ...