Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Five Seasons of Harvest

 i will explain the fifth season as God had told Me. we pray during the first five seasons of our harvest and then we will let the ground settle while we go out during the Hunt for the next two seasons. and i Roger Grant made every season a generation or every five leap years which is one score years on earth and after the fifth season we need not pray to God anymore for our harvest, because the Father will be on earth they will be among the children of God's Harvest then after seven seasons the harvest will begin again. and those who have Heavenly authority on earth will be Priests who act as God during the sixth and seventh season, overseeing their flock and separating them for peace. and the Anti-Christs will receive their power and the Holy of Hollies, and Roger the West Christ will become a Christian and will be with the inhabitants of earth and all people, faces, and kindred, will see the Face of God; the Beast and the False Prophet who was the Prophet Jesus Christ and the Prophet Muhammed and Who is the Madhi ( Roger Grant) the bringer of peace and the blessing given to all in Heaven on Earth. Amen.

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