Friday, September 22, 2023

The New World Order (Fire)

 seven prophets of seven elements or Kings that came unto the New World with a new prophecy that brings white man from a White Mountain (Caucasian) across the Atlantic Ocean to create a mighty nation with the red people that lived at the Red Mountain. (Colorado) and food grew from these lands of water that still exist today in the northern great lakes where the people ate food from the waters that provided Native American Indian that was made child from the new land and native people of this new world that had pulled themselves out of a shallow grave in the Sacramento Mountains where Old Baldy (Grand Father) sits on top of Sierrea Blanca. and if these two would come together then the yellow and black man would join this great nation and even make it greater. but if the white man and red man does not come together. then the black and yellow man will come together gather from different waters to measure the New Kingdom of God that had descended down onto earth from four corners of Heaven where four Mountains of fire, water, earth and air surround the four sides of each corner built inward as a pillar that holds up the universe from Hearth the Heavenly earth as a sign to its people that given a short time. the Son of Perdition is Satan the Son of the native American Indian who was our Grand Mother and the Mother of the Holy Ones that had fallen to earth on a mountain of fire that had killed 1/3 of its people that had risen into the smoke of prayers that rises into Heaven along with 80,000,000 tribesmen that lived within the four corners area and Mexico.

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The Glutton and "Boy Who Yells Wolf"

 when one calm enters the storm no voice can be heard within the raging winds about you to scatter straw or to burn it all in the ecosystem ...