Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Heroes of Hell and A Renown Order

i Roger Grant created a new Hell in the Western World so that we can procreated in God's will. the day of fertility reunited with death and the cleansing of God's holy children under the world of darkness.

 every major hero had been to Hell or knew that Hell was coming for them. Jesus went Hell we have been found wanting the same measure that God's people had been given when they had accepted the mark of one man that must be protected by God and by the Heavens above that who are among the dead can save the living. but those who would fear would never be able to be cast out until they make an apparition of their Mother or the Father in Heaven. these are the ones that are able to get ones hand out of Hell when they had done way too much unto another's Mother's child or children when they thought they were able to escape God who had made everything true and every truth known to the state of immortality that can not get out of Hell until they have made right all the wrongs they had done on earth and if the evidence of their sins lay high in a stack of hay then God will give sacrifice that stack with fire for those who had done more bad than good will never be reborn but will continue in Hell until the Hour of God returns again and then if they are still found wanting they will be prepared for the final days on earth. but those who had accepted the mark of Roger will go into Hell and wipe every tear away from their Heaven and change the stars above for all those who had went to Hell for the new songs that they sang in Heaven as they changed their stars for tomorrow's Heaven on Earth to be its paradise because those who did not fear entering into Hell on their own freewill to change this world as we know it had change it into paradise. to face death is to protect life of those ahead ourselves. those who are marked from punishment will no longer be punished in afterworld but will given a place in Heaven where they are behind those who are ahead of them.

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 when one calm enters the storm no voice can be heard within the raging winds about you to scatter straw or to burn it all in the ecosystem ...