Saturday, October 7, 2023

The Family Tree (Totem)

there is one God and one Host, one time that given to the earth. and the first born are the ones to suffer first so i will call upon that generation's zeal of understanding a trust of God's hand marked to those who have eye, and ear, to see and hear the Kingdom of Trumpets blowing out in four directions of every Heaven. i will give authority and send the first and last Prophet out as  messengers and from two different countries. then i will send four helpers as four winds, that speak to the multitudes of people. saying to world that the Golden Child who is the Holy One is to come and measure the Kingdom at Hand complete the foundations. and God will send three Angels and reach out to touch or destroy three Kingdoms. the first and last Kingdoms were destroyed and the third (Hearth) was spared by Me Roger Grant a Demon until the day was given to Our Begotten Buddha who was in the center of the four winds that had taken Him into Heaven and had given this day to be the first rising of Heaven on Earth for the Lord of Lords to take their place in Celestial Heaven as Sylvester Stallones and Mother had for the U.S. who are with the Bush Family who is Satan along with the Trump of Heaven and Biden who are the representees of God today. and the Devil Robert Denero who is the Father of my daughter Roleana and sits beside Buddha who is God in the center of the Four Corners of Heaven as His wife. 


  1. Russia China England Germany Roma New Mecca Jerusalem the twin daughters of Christ will marry the first and last Angels of Satan and live near Saturn

  2. Under this world holds a balance of good and evil where Sean Penn also lays the balance with Mr.D,


The Glutton and "Boy Who Yells Wolf"

 when one calm enters the storm no voice can be heard within the raging winds about you to scatter straw or to burn it all in the ecosystem ...