Friday, November 17, 2023

Who Wants to Live Forever

 the more we do the more we accomplish. but those who destroy the same meaning of life accomplished whenever it can only be given to them who are made to destroy themselves entirely. those who can destroy faster than they can build will do everything in their power to destroy Us but only end up destroying themselves. who can harness the Power of God within a lie or out of hate? it is in man never to touch or meddle with what is Holy until he finds a reason to become spiritual or a medium between here and there. and if they take this sacred secret beside their heart then only God will witness for them who are anointed. and d those who are disbelievers in Christ shall Perish into the fires of Hell where they can not be released until the body has died from their actions on earth. and those who would disbelieve a Prophet of God have already disbelieved in all of God's Prophets. if this one shall be given the testimony of Heaven on Earth, then why would you not believe in God who was prophesied to come in  Revelations. is it because you had meddled with a fate that can never be undone or stricken in forgery is written by a liar who is not a Prophet of God but a plagiarizer of Holy Scripture and Record-Keeping. and these people will pay this man handsomely for telling them a lie straight to their face. for telling people that God will return and then say to everyone."Listen! the one who calls themselves Christ or says that He is God is a liar and the Father of them when He really was God. He even does great miracles and the people start to like Him. but you will forsake everything you have waiting for and still deny the miracle that is in your face. you will try to sin against this person and fight this Heavenly Being spiritually but only get burned because you did not believe the Prophets but keep making a lie worse than what it really was. some will even try to harm this man but die because He holds the MARK of GOD (protection) on His right Hand and a new name that was written in Heaven. He was every Heavenly Being that had returned and every return that converged to Him whose name is Roger Ramos Grant. His House is God's House and is always open for all the Heavenly Beings such as; Satan = All Saints, Devil = All the Devils, God =All Gods= and a Deamon = All Demons. theses are the four and twenty beasts that surround the Four Corners of Heaven that are located in the South Western Desert of the United States of America. who has seen God? only the ones that die. and if anyone sees God and lives will see the Kingdom at Hand and the Son of Man (Zeus) in the clouds. and they will be like those who did not die but entered into Heaven without seeing death. such as Enoch.

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