Monday, November 27, 2023

The Glutton and "Boy Who Yells Wolf"

 when one calm enters the storm no voice can be heard within the raging winds about you to scatter straw or to burn it all in the ecosystem if you would find the aftermath of Heaven then one piece of straw could have killed the silent ones that are ready to speak for Heaven as the Father spoke out in our name today that became a smokeless fire, a hidden spirit of God that posses Me to understanding and knowledge of All understanding set in the fires that grow in the times of to what we plan ahead of time so shall we reap. the eyes of the old seeing their Heaven on earth and the body of the new holding on to what was is and will be a perfect harvest without those who eat other people's food up and get too lazy to create what they promised. in other words the word is no good and never have to work again, because some poor farmer will suffer for all the lies that grow in the farmers garden; never to feed His own family. and the one that gluttons will say to others that this man's produce is unworthy of selling to the market. so on that day, the one selling and buying other people's produce will also suffer the fate of those gluttons' DEADLY SIN. and the Lord will take away all the good on earth and all the vegetation on that very day of sins to be taken from our harvest and the day that was given to a first and last season that must learn the truth before the day is to Perish without God's day at hand. for the Father is made to worship His Children but the children forget to the Father and cry out foreign words, such as a lie to waste everyone's time to what is to come but never does. because to never know what had already come before this time was to cry out "get out of our way and path or you will be crushed." but the lazy gluttons had fallen asleep and never got up until their pathway reached destruction and desolation our own Heaven on earth that recite these words that God had given to Us for a time that may change at any time. and say they are being judged by the Almighty of God who are the children of many Gods that had forgotten that they were given a place to change the universe and to change what already happened five times to Us on earth for not listening to God. We Would Die for Not Obeying the Holy Spirit of God

The Spirit of Christmas Past

 ðŸŽ„Christmas was here in the United States of America 36,000 years ago when Santa Pepe or Santa Claus was sung about before coming into town. the song is said to sound like this: (pe pe pe-. pe pe pe-. pe Pe pe pe pe-.) the Dancing Spirit of Happiness and Thunder that has given abundance to the Foreigners of America that once rode the plains in a sled made of basket.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Spiritual Laws of Art

the art of Spiritual retribution is not a gain to present material but a denial of one's self. if one man can not harm another they have been given the charge of not holding religion or magic storage to any chamber given through God but must maintain order in likeness to their own discord. one bad is all you get and all your spiritual power will be plucked from you. when the law is abundant then the law can not last forever but will take place immediately from then on to help others survive. what is hidden from man can not be given to man if no Heaven can bring back what was done. there be no coveting and more than it is given to you. do not hate because someone hates you.

the spirit can not be deceived or punish the wrong person. ∴ anyone who curses a person who does not deserve it will be given 1, 10, and 100 or 1 fold for every time of retribution given to that person whom they would cast on the innocent.

  1. Preserve the laws that affect you Spiritually and the judgment of others around you for good.
  2. the Spirit that you possess is the life of another person who you will not understand the feeling or Soul and will be a part of their conscience
  3. do not fill anyone's soul or take from it or every energy that you have already taken will be plucked from your living body. the first Death is the living the second death can not hurt us. so do not hurt anyone living while you are Lifeless.
  4. Repent to the one you harm or you do not enter into Heaven.
  5. What you do in this lifetime against some will be given in your next lifetime unless you repent. 
  6. the one that is in you is the one that protects you. do not hurt that one's body or your heart and mind will be taken.
  7. what you do to people must be undone or it will last forever in your own family's seed will be sown into a garden where you return over and over again.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Only One God One Power

 the gift of God is to know Heaven is at hand, and those with little faith will start to move mountains. as the Gods of Heaven give them more with little faith than those who already have faith. All Powers come from God. only Us who are made from Good and Evil can misuse this power. it does not come from Satan or the Devil or a Demon but from God alone. and it is our duty to use what tools we have for God's heavenly purpose. i am reborn and chosen of God's Power and i will separate this Power into tomorrow in hopes that some one will bring it back together again when we need it.

Preemptive Strike

 any word given before a war must be heard or the enemy will assume that you are attacking. if would tell my army only to attack when i say 'nay' then the whole world plus the enemy would wait until i  say 'nay' or a preemptive strike would matter for nothing. if you know that that enemy is not going to strike then you would not strike. so always let the enemy know that you are going to strike even before you make an attempt or just don't say anything at all.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Hand of the Devil

my mom would look at my brother's left-hand palm to see if there was a mole that represented that person be the Devil. one day she found a mole in my brother Richards's left and plucked it out. later on, i saw the mole in my hand and i plucked it out.

The Father and Sons

 justice implores the faith of HEAVEN ON EARTH through their Own creation in Heaven on Earth that had offset destruction to this universe and had given miracles before anyone can describe it. to my Blood of the Lambs, the blood of this earth was made living until the mother decided to place a hold on the last of our soul on the earth as the blood of the lamb's wrath is given to those above that had risen above Me and suffered Us for not knowing the truth and for not knowing Who i was. they were cut off this tree that did not know the truth about Me or my father (Ruben) the Tribe of Ruben i am Roger; Father of All the Gods including your own. i am the unknown God. you and your God came across the universe to meet Me. and now i tell you that my son is your God you get mad at Me. why are you against Me for believing in the One true God of Heaven (Woman) and Buddha as Our begotten Son on Earth.

The Jaw and Bone of God's Father

 this is one percent of the vote of the vote carries the electorial two the destiny of heaven. and every representitee produces two more of the same congressional medal. the bones of a Republican and Democrat; the Arrow of its Shield; the shield of Tusk and Bone and the Sword of a Mules; the Jaw and Bone; the tongue and body of God. of the Republican or Democrat that had won the race.

The Light of God's Kingdom

only the light reads in light when darkness has fallen, the light is the opening of wisdom that seeks Her own children. Her own truth. and Her own child crying out from the desert in New Mexico; who has been the beast from God's garden many times before. the Native Indian American Tribe Dine. holds this person as thier own black son and has been here before Christ and even during Christ's return He was here on earth and all over the world, during, before and after the rain of Jesus Christ because this man was Jesus Christ. He is the light of God when no one is around and the destroyer of worlds. His name is Roger Ramos Grant, The Trinitatus Who was, Who is, and Who will be Buddha, Allah, and God.

Friday, November 17, 2023

i am the Word of God

 when i speak in tongues, i speak in the spirit of Heavenly Angels that possess Me. while i am speaking in tongues i am learning as i speak. saying things i did not know but understand. when i speak in tongues i do not babel but lay a foundation among many nations and what i say becomes fresh or will come to pass. i am Roger Grant the spokesperson of God and a representative of Earth as it is in Heaven. i speak in tongues or the way that the Old Dragon spoke. and when God returns so will the Angels of Heaven that changes one language into many languages that were spoken about and the same being who risen to earth from the grave 30 years ago as the resurrection of God. the one who speaks in tongues; is the voice of God and the Word of God.

Who Wants to Live Forever

 the more we do the more we accomplish. but those who destroy the same meaning of life accomplished whenever it can only be given to them who are made to destroy themselves entirely. those who can destroy faster than they can build will do everything in their power to destroy Us but only end up destroying themselves. who can harness the Power of God within a lie or out of hate? it is in man never to touch or meddle with what is Holy until he finds a reason to become spiritual or a medium between here and there. and if they take this sacred secret beside their heart then only God will witness for them who are anointed. and d those who are disbelievers in Christ shall Perish into the fires of Hell where they can not be released until the body has died from their actions on earth. and those who would disbelieve a Prophet of God have already disbelieved in all of God's Prophets. if this one shall be given the testimony of Heaven on Earth, then why would you not believe in God who was prophesied to come in  Revelations. is it because you had meddled with a fate that can never be undone or stricken in forgery is written by a liar who is not a Prophet of God but a plagiarizer of Holy Scripture and Record-Keeping. and these people will pay this man handsomely for telling them a lie straight to their face. for telling people that God will return and then say to everyone."Listen! the one who calls themselves Christ or says that He is God is a liar and the Father of them when He really was God. He even does great miracles and the people start to like Him. but you will forsake everything you have waiting for and still deny the miracle that is in your face. you will try to sin against this person and fight this Heavenly Being spiritually but only get burned because you did not believe the Prophets but keep making a lie worse than what it really was. some will even try to harm this man but die because He holds the MARK of GOD (protection) on His right Hand and a new name that was written in Heaven. He was every Heavenly Being that had returned and every return that converged to Him whose name is Roger Ramos Grant. His House is God's House and is always open for all the Heavenly Beings such as; Satan = All Saints, Devil = All the Devils, God =All Gods= and a Deamon = All Demons. theses are the four and twenty beasts that surround the Four Corners of Heaven that are located in the South Western Desert of the United States of America. who has seen God? only the ones that die. and if anyone sees God and lives will see the Kingdom at Hand and the Son of Man (Zeus) in the clouds. and they will be like those who did not die but entered into Heaven without seeing death. such as Enoch.

Our Footpath and Rest

As the wind is blowing so shall the Dust reach the prints of God's feet as the world is turning so shall each day remember who is to come and who had given this blessing and each day and night she will be thankful for all her children will praise her this is the night of all nights that God remembers and we shall remember for the rest of our lives that God had given us another chance aman 

The Journey Across Africa

 as in the days of Noah, Roger; Son of Apollo collected every large beast in pairs, male and female, husband and wife, and sent them across Africa to Noah. and then i went back to prepare my walk into shadow. where we will be swallowed by the waters of Heaven pouring out unto this earth unto the end of a beginning. after the flood Roger's people were spared and they resuscitated each other by breathing into the nostrils of the dead. and as in the days of Noah so shall we be in that day reminded who God is and who will bring forth the breath of life once again through the Spirit of God.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Repent the Kingdom is at Hand

if you sin or anger someone then that sin will be with you until you repent or ask for forgiveness. that sin can remain with you an entire lifetime and even into the next lifetime because you did not repent. and because you did not repent you will not make it into Heaven unless you go through Hell. do not repent to God because you sinned against someone else on earth. never repent to God who has forgiven you already, but say sorry and pay back who you had taken from without justification.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The First Satellite in God's Sky

 the works of God had set every foundation to its own without knowing the Life of our loss was our own fault for spirituality that never got time to know its own Master. so i gave the sky the Moon Heaven and the Sun as a New Satellite. and when the winds saw the music skip and play the waters lifted up that day for the dead and the living waters rose up in the second firmament as the world was fallen in the heart to know what is given to Heavand the place Heavenly bodies that team up in tracks before the new songs will be said and heard and remembered and then released.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Remember Me?

Planet Gentry

 governed by the body of Heavenly days that had returned before today remembered. these are the ones from yesterday that had given us a web and a secret that held onto its own time. science and art photography Medical Science. the Universal Hospital in Our Galaxy will be set here for immediate attention to war. this a camp and a smaller planet that must be hidden and accessed through conventional means. i remember the time that we became slaves to Zues and you would call us out upon the stones of Heaven to be tossed from afar. and never thought that a woman such as your size could throw that far. i am glad to you again my dear wolf. Zeus says hi Murphy do you remember Me?

The House of God (Mother)

the third of this day was laid to rest before the last day expired. those who hold on to nothing will find something within their heart to say "I hold on to what I have alone, and alone I shall keep to its own reward". and then the fifth day appeared in the darkness of man's comfort and held the hand of her son Roger who became the darkness of God's Heaven. but Heaven never held on to this King's hand because the Mother had given birth to a child without one consent and marriage, for the rightful heirs of that Kingdom belonged to those who never had a place called home or a day for their own. the High Order of Magicians became the last of one's only conscience erased through time so that no one would ever make a change in this greater hierarchy that would keep a strong hold on this New Dynasty that was being created in the Heavens Above for new catastrophe to occur again. the Mother of the indicated child of Magik became a prediction of one's ability to harness and control the Universe as it is upon Us today on Earth in seasonal rotation throughout the cosmos. the Mother and child were about to be snatched away and sold into slavery, but the Universe reacted and reversed its polarity and universal flow of waters that will gather in the deepest part of Heaven with multitudes of armies that number the sand below with the stars above. on that day it will look like a war is about to happen when a marriage is going to take place. and the plaques of Heaven fell upon itself as one plague eating another when the land becomes so thirsty that it drinks the rivers of that earth dry. many became aware of sin while others opened their eyes and saw the truth reflecting back at them from the one who was crying far away in the desert. when Lilith heard Her son cry out she turned into a Wyrm and swallowed the times to come and the time that followed another half of time that was left behind for Him to rule and find His way back home.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Our God is Awful Inspiring, and Awesome

Our God is Awful Inspiring, and Awesome 

 God had given us a voice so loud that only thunder would be a quiet storm and the calming of the day. if God would suddenly get mad and yell, you would hear peace and silence after the calming. our God is the light of earth seen before a voice is shouting out from the desert. crying for peace when resistance is here on earth conducting a spark that starts from the ground up. and the light will be seen and heard in a second from across forty miles all around. and the world will be at peace four minutes, with the false prophet who is in Awe of God without change or the day that was given to Eve the Morning on Earth

God is Lawless and Needs No Honor

the fall of many will call upon a lawless one who will free many who were in captivity and speak out the laws that never take your own in heart. you, Who are in my image are lawless in the Eyes of God. the true keeper of Peace and Harmony. the mercy of God's heart in order to be Heaven on earth without law.

Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless

Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless:  the fall od many will call upon a lawless one who will free many who were in captivity and speak out the laws that never take your own in h...

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Rumors of a Flood, War, and Peace

 Vision: from the icy north and from the south a Chinese man dressed in warm Mongolian white furs, with a white hat that was round and pointed at the top. i saw another man but it was the Asian brother who was caucasian coming to greet the Asian with distress when a giant white turtle came out of the waters slowly and mounted onto its front two legs high in the air and growled at the white man who was Southwest to the Asian. the same white man rises up out of the water changing into a group of sea creatures and then steps onto land which is in the far northeast of my direction. the Caucasians changed into more creatures that were from the land. wolf, yak, bison, warthog, saber tooth tiger with two lower teeth like tusks. and these two men shared the same geology. as a Jew or Russian. God had spoken to the turtle pointing towards the South West in defense and waiting for the enemy to pry. these are lost hours that can never find themselves in a sky marshal hoovering above the planet Earth but will try to follow this day without a God to reprimand them into Hell or any day different. for it is our will that gathers all the beasts in Heaven and on earth that will fight in a battle that will last ten thousand, but it was the Elect of God that had made a decision to stop this 10,000-year war four days early before it ended up within the Heavens above (outer space) or on the sixth day of creation to earth that may be alerted to them in Heaven so that what was or is in charge will not fall under the hooves of this beast but will rise together in a one-step direction reversal. some will say the sun's pole has changed or shifted and flipped about. we in the spirit conscience would call it a revolving revolution that changes hot to cold in a reversal of lukewarmth.

The Coyote (Trickster)

 the goat or a coyote is a symbol of Satan or fertility. the goat is a sacrificial creature to all who have sinned against a time or a will that gives unto Heaven every day. the goat is a powerful symbol and a birth to rejection that reaches out to adulthood. a man-child who was loved as a kid but grew up wild. a rich fool or a poor man's sacrifice to know poverty and fertility. you are that goat and sacrifice, the father and love child of God. the first and last love of a man's sacrifice to His own family. 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Half Past a Donkey's Ass, A Quarter till He Falls

Anarchism is given through Me the Godless one in Heaven who is the false prophet on earth. His Spirit will enter into everyone around His presence. and those who do not die on their own will suffer no more the part of those who are sinned against in Heaven. and those who are in Heaven above will become sinless and pour out a new gospel unto the people of that day that was, is, and will be the first and last of two that become one-third of that which dies, but the Lord marked the false prophet and protected Roger with magik and the Word of God that split many generations within a time or dimension that separated five more times or dimensions into a day of the past and future that had no change but through God then became a falling away of Heavenly Stars in denial, and denying this false prophet to be God. and those who hated Him and fought Him may be placed in a furnace that still burns since the days of old. and those who fought Him had taken away everything that God had given to this worldly man of perdition. who is within you, as you are within him. and who is the eternal Christ Our Lord. and those who could not stop sinning against the Lord of Saviors were also possessed within the Holy Spirit of Me; Anarchy that had driven them to insanity because they thought to control the Spirit of Prophecy against other nations. and against Me the Father in Heaven because i had disciplined them before anyone would. and their spirit will be driven to madness for false witnessing against God and everything that God had created.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Light Versus Darkness (Flesh vs. Spirit) (GOOD vs. BAD)

Nephites: According to the Book of Mormon, the Nephites were descendants of Nephi, who was one of the sons of Lehi, a prophet who led a group of people from Jerusalem to the Americas.

The Nephites are generally portrayed as those who followed the teachings of God, and their history is recorded in the Book of Mormon. They established cities, developed a system of government, and had prophets among them.
Over time, the Nephites faced periods of righteousness and prosperity, as well as periods of rebellion and conflict. The Book of Mormon documents their rise and fall as a civilization.

Lamanites: The Lamanites, according to the Book of Mormon narrative, were another group of descendants of Lehi, specifically through his son Laman.
The Lamanites are often depicted as a group that turned away from the teachings of God and experienced consequences, including a "curse" that resulted in a change of their skin color, described as a "skin of blackness."

Like the Nephites, the Lamanites went through periods of righteousness and wickedness, and the Book of Mormon records interactions and conflicts between these two groups. 

The North and Southern Kingdoms of Lamanite and Nephite (light and darkness)

 the Light of Heaven shines upon the light of God's creators as one in the Body of Creation and the other in the Body of Heaven uncreated. one in the Body of the Messiah and the other in the embodiment of its own creator within our self and the embodiment of God without a true creation set from today as Ronaldinho and Jaguar; Father and Son protect the 2nd and 1st gates of MessoAmerican the Gates of the 1st and 2nd Heaven. and to whom the Golden of Tears that fell upon the face of God's bird and creation had set the 20,000 Angels at the gates of this New Heaven beside Pope Francis of Rome.

666 "Pickup the Sticks" and ('Knock on Wood')

 144,000 in Revelations is the number of the BEAST. 144 / 6 = 24 / 6 = 4 / 6 = 666

you can go to Hell With Me or Without Me. it is always better if we all go together holding hands and singing "Someone is Crying My Lord Kumbia" the underworld may see a new world order. i am joking but someone is still going to Hell. someone is going to Hell for taking another's number. if you are 'bad' enough to be in that number. (144,000) when the Saints come marching in. 

5th Day of Uncreation

Let There Be Light!

God separated the Heaven, Cosmos, Universe, Galaxy, and Earth for Peace, God then created two of every kind into twins. Male and Female, His and Her spirits becoming one in the flesh. the essence of Heaven on Earth becoming light and darkness or good and evil. twins will separate between good and evil and become a versus of peace between good and evil, a separation for peace and goodwill. and everything God created as one was also be created as two and three, four and five Multiverses hidden within an Antiverse.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Lead Us From Captivity

i was a servant of God (bought) for seven years and now i that what was (sold) departing from slavery with two branches of God's Garden that i had grafted into each and every one of your trees that stood alone in this Garden that God had sown. i am the keeper of twin triplets of our horoscope which i stored in this cave of wonders two branches of the fruit of the same tree in that cave of preservation where the Heavens are above and below and meet within one foundation that is set within the middle earth of both Heavens (center of our universes) giving birth to our own truth and wisdom that gave birth to knowledge a hybrid tree of Truth and Wisdom. the outreaching of truth and the rooting of wisdom gives us knowledge, the Spirit of Truth and Wisdom which is of  Christ Our Lord; All-Knowing. take from our Garden freely while in season and take the fruit of my tree that stores seeds of the first fruit from Heaven.

December 24, 2024, i am led out of captivity.

What Can and Cannot be Changed

 when we can not fix something that is broken, we always find a piece that can't be replaced or is missing, and if you can not fix what was broken in your life then everyone around you is broken, and everything that God had worked for will remain broken.

The Last Believer is Satan

from the begining they called out my name "Roger Grant" and from a lowly Prophet, i became a Priest, a High Priest, the Gardens Keeper, the Shepherd, The Most High, the Mid Servant, and a Dragon. in that order. and one comes down that mountain one will go up and that one spirit is named Chris a good friend of mine who must believe who He is.

Live by the Sword You Die by the Sword

to kill with the sword is to die by your sword. if anyone shall die from your lie then you shall die. if any shall kill themselves by their own sword then they will die for killing that someone with the Sword of God. for the Practice of Preaching.

One Heavenly Body, Mind and Heart

 church and state are equal but separate. they both have governing bodies. but the state is higher than the church in America, we would show happiness when we are given a voice in the fountains of water that pour out from a spring of goodness that holds politics neither good nor bad but right in God's eye, and therefore the state will be happy if we would all team together in freedom of all who are worthy to change a great nation unto all who spoke about a new land of hunger and prosperity given to its own native children who are the birth of those pure in heart mind and body the Great Spirit of All Children that are cast in this melting of God's refinement the Heavenly body of our expanse, a Nation of many nations. a State of many states and a Church of many churches that are under God and undivisiable.

God's Messengers on Earth

 why do We persecute the Messenger of God; the one God enhanced to give true justice among His people who on to His coming of truth. to whom the world is saved and not destroyed. do not hurt those who are in the name of God. they are the messengers of Heaven to Us on earth, do hurt the the one that they call the Mahdi, or Messiah, or Buddha. these are the ones that bring peace and the promise of God.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The Most High Prophet

The Prophet Roger Ramos Grant (The Word God)

 in the Desert, we search entirely for the rain of God to fall upon Us. the day together that was given before time was ever created. i am the first RESURRECTION of God's CHURCH. the flesh of All saved.  King of this Universe for 30 years, The Most High. yes, Satan! not many Kings had set their day as long as i did. i was only 23 when i became the Father of Heaven. and what i have done could not be written in this book. so i leave this brief Journal of Our LEGECY.

Stars Are Falling From Venus

 it has been given to Me so that i may understand and witness for God's glory. so that i may succeed within all contexts. early in the morning when the countenance of Venus is seen rising in the east there are spirits that VISIT THIS EARTH. you can see spirits or stars (orbs) falling/descending from Her right side.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Tomorrow in Congress

To My Little Deer Hunter

there is a time beside Me, a time for everyone to remember our commitment and anniversaries. for all to remember Her on this day in April. God's promise will be seen throughout the years and Margeret Thatcher will return here in America to rule within the Presidential parties of Congress. we call Her "the witch" or Geneiveive.

God is Here, No Worries

 times are getting better, and there is no need to worry/ the Lord is here and has set Her throne with Her children. yesterday is just a speck in the eye that never wanted to shut close. She feeds Her children to sleep, she protects them without any regard for Herself,  she gives us comfort when there is none and She is our Mother. the last breath that had given life.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Listen to God's Prophet (Roger)

 How do we understand what people do not know? How does a Prophet of the past return? they become the First and Last Prophets the two witnesses, who are the same person as the last. when the first and last Prophet returns, that one will write and speak like the old Dragon or a False Prophet who gives power to the second beast (Allies) and their nations, giving authority to the first beast (Axis) that had its head wounded as if died but still lived. what was, is, and will be the same person Roger Grant who is the Prophet Jesus, Muhammad. the Son of Perdition. take my words to truth and reveal what i have written as a supplement of God's word.

Women Will Become God and Man will serve Her

 let the women of Heaven tend to your need intelligent women that cannot spite Me. nor give another time to be our own in Heaven. these are the rocks of many ages the stones of Heaven today in Her glory that has set many Churches on High and many more to earth when the man and woman will hold hands side by side and for one another, step by step until we will reach the Suburbs of Heaven. 

The Unbecoming of God

why do we point at other people and religion when it is our mistake for not knowing God. why do we say that we are God's people when we are so separated in logic and belief. why do we challenge others in their belief? when a belief or religion is sacred and should never be doubted we tend to place our own beliefs in others who will be more confused if we do not start believing that God is in every religion, in every temple, mind, and soul. and if you are a scientist and you don't believe in God then you are lacking or behind in intelligence that has connected everything together in relativity. Great Scientists such as Sir Albert Einstein or Saint Nikolai Telsa had become God. why do we hate each other or their beliefs when living is hard enough.

The Time We Made Today

 tomorrow had come around and set day after day, but we just remembered yesterday. tomorrow had set you and Me closer. but we just forgot yesterday. without a beginning, the end is lonely and without good. without life, and void. if everyone depended on us today we would be forgotten because we had given everything for their day that never comes with another but us.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Spirit and Flesh

 it is a good sign that God brings all together in speech; one language, or a way that truth speaks to us. in the beginning, we waited for God's voice to speak, and i was that voice. the voice of all. the Voice of God that created all things. the promise of what was said becoming flesh. and if the day comes before it happened then what will be flesh of today was the spirit of yesterday.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Love Child

 in one Church they praise people who are addicted and return day and night to fulfill God's encouragement at hand and Godwill  say that these are the ones that need you and the ones that you can say are worthy or those who suffer the poor from being rich when they are apart of a church and family. one can lay thier problems without dispute in our Church today. Some are better at being sober than others because they  under the influence of God's spirit by receiving what was good. but all are under the sun of God's happiness when it is a 1/3 part of wisdom to be independent never suffering their children as the day is given back unto their own family that had been given a chance to participate in church activities. and once back on thier ground, they may enjoy Sunday services for the peace and glorifying of thier children. and upon another Church thier will be chastisement and hate but in all, we take care of her and her children.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Acceptance of Fire

 when Heaven suffers then those who had made this very day under the earth and the laws of understanding changing two winds into becoming one alike they are within the two witnesses who, was, Who is and Who will become the only begotten Son of God. without the Quran i would have never became the Father of Heaven. that teaches Us that the Father of Heaven had no association to God and yet had authority beside itself that could never be different than What was written in the Heavens alone was written across Roger chest in that day spelled Allah who is the God of many root names that she could only keep alive, but through sacrifice that one God and Son. became no other held but this new time that is set for all to See the face of God upon the waters of Heaven. this new counter balance is the flesh of spirit that holds all the living names of God to be written as Her new name written in the Heavens above as the Highest name above all others in Heaven. let of Ourt light be cast down into earth but the woman must be caught up into God's Kingdom that holds all times to one in Heaven and All Heavens to a time that was given four three divorces or directions that became 1/3 of God's days arising and given to All who believe or All who never doubted that God had come as flesh eternal unless one Spirit would be a revelation of God's resurrection and marriages that had become one in this House under God to under the sun and under the last of its true divine nature that will spoil the day without cause by giving daily bread to a household that was caught up to death and as She released death from the waters of Her House in marriage that had bonded to the truth and wisdom. in its place. the Lord will never have those who never sinned become like those who thought and understood that God's day was an upkeep to pain and a foundation that we must explain before we become one in flesh, spirit, and deliverance unto them who heals the Balance of Life with a balance of God'sshe same day under what was given before today's Heaven can be given to its own and the glory done on earth.

don't you know on that day of judgment we will seem crazy but those who did not know will deny what was truth and bargain beside God as a false witness. and then those who testify against the God the one on earth, will fall into a pit of of fire.

The Glutton and "Boy Who Yells Wolf"

 when one calm enters the storm no voice can be heard within the raging winds about you to scatter straw or to burn it all in the ecosystem ...