Saturday, September 30, 2023

What is Uncreated Can Only be Truth

 what was uncreated was from the beginning as we are created the Heavens today in God's spirit. the creation of God's Heaven was made today as we were from then when the time was given to change what was, and what will become the Lord's divinity at hand that changes yesterday and tomorrow's timeline from today.

They Will Become One with Me Through God

 do not tempt God with knowledge that you do not know about. God has written about the truth and those who would test a prophet are not wise because it would be obvious that they were not of God if they do not speak of God or know of God's spirit.

Walking on the Waters of Truth

 who has found themselves among the Ancient of Times or the sheep of God's flock and had separated other sheep from their own flock so that they would never understand the new scriptures of God's hand in manifestation or would not listen to the one who God entrusted so that they would never understand the new songs of God that was given today for all to know or precedes out from the mouth of God as new ink written to the heart and the body that can not live on bread alone but with the waters that are free flowing out from the deep of God's living spirit hoovering upon the waters of today.

The Lord's Word is the Sacrifice of Flesh

 there was a man that hated Our God because someone said that there was no other way to God except through Jesus, when that man wanted a personal relationship with God alone. whenever Jesus became God He was in the Spirit of God for us to commune with God through the Prophet who is chosen among the Heavenly Children of that generation to be the Shepherd of one flock returning. and those who lose one sheep will leave the rest to find that one. that path that we walk on is the scripture of faith that we inherit God's Kingdom through the Lord of Lords who are the chosen ones that walked with God here on earth and in the afterworld where we were condemned to Hell so that others would go to Heaven.

The Sweeping Across of Demons

 during this time all the Demons that serve God are going to be released and they will destroy what they have left. for the Lord of Heaven will not change their mind, "but I will judge them correctly as they go into Hell." said Buddha.

To Hell With Them

when those angels that thought they were god let them save their our ass from the fire of Hell where the Devil awaits for you who thought they were to get away without God's justice to grow weak, the Devil is here to protect those who were not able to enter into Heaven and Power to Destroy thier very spirit in half to separate good and bad and to bring them back together to fight thier own war of destruction, this Day art in Heaven belongs to our Children who are Gods. no false god has the power to punish any child of God without the Father knowing. this will be your last five months before you go to Hell and suffer for making good people suffer. then your part in this last year of forgiveness will  lead through the fires of Hell below for not complying.

Satan Get Behind Me

 when Heaven is given a time to see through fires of understanding. if those who are behind Me do not know Satan will be consumed forever in fires of the pit that they are cast in for their false god role over and over.

We Are Creators of All Heaven

 every form of human became living through the Word of God. and to whom i create will never be taken from the light of Heaven that shows the truth of Heaven through others just like us in this universe. i have many forms and one embodiment of the spirit that holds all things alike in the flesh and being. we on earth had created most of the Alien species in outer space.

The Keeper of Our Earth

you are thinking that your God is greater than Me. but that is not true because i am the ruler of this Universe the keeper of the Alien race through our form of being that subjected itself towards defending the galaxy and the time that Roger (Alien) returns as a lone King upon moon landing that took a day to remember the light of God within in the Highest Order of many ranked it is natures will to be in many human forms at one time before we were blown through the emptiness of space that return to this particular planet..

The Times in the Underworld

 Dear Lord,

 your day has set the man, your son upon this world as her son tomorrow and the times that return unto the blood of life where your origins remain in five races unto Heaven and now six for the Aborigine the Father's Children in Heaven before earth was grown.

Do Not Forget Your Mother in Heaven

 what is most important child or elder? your right lord it is your elder. the man who leaves his family on earth will be the one close to mine. he will carry the Fire of God's spirit that marks the thigh of God's Heavenly Father to be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords as the Mother Who is God watches the Children of Heaven today on earth as it is Heaven. 

The Eclipse of Man

let the older daughters have their marriage with the younger men and let the youngest daughter in the family marry the one who left behind his true family to begotten in Heaven through Holy Matrimony under God's sun in Heaven unto the earth where the Daughters of Heaven remain pure.

Friday, September 29, 2023

The Healing of Our World Through the Chosen

 the source of transgression is the act of annihilation within its self becoming true witnesses of God who had return and saved us from our own destruction through the Spirit of Buddha who is my Father and the one who Judges all those who were mark unclean, but Holy in the order of the King of Peace Melchizedek.

The Path That We Had Chosen

 to know the truth is to know the path you had been walking on. some people will try to support the Bible when they did not even know God or the path that he walked upon. only God who was reincarnated to continue the legacy of our own begotten families in Heaven who were of our own children of ancestry that had stayed on the path to the righteous Tree of God to marry God's daughter and Tree of Knowledge the hybrid of Heaven and Earth. i Roger Grant have been walking and talking with God for over thirty years and i have said the words of god that will be the source unto you but only the Truth of Heaven coming down upon our brow as the gift of those who understood and had faith in miracles, because not one man or woman on earth or in Heaven could do this alone, and it is the Grace of God Who was, Who is, and Who will become, the Trinity; One God in One Heaven Unto the Almighty; Who is the God of gods and Who is who in you, that helped Me get unto our destination in Heaven and set a place for our earth to become the New Order in Heaven as it is on Earth today.

Imperfect from the Beginning Unto the End

 if one tree of lies was planted in the garden center then that whole garden that surrounds that tree could not be eaten of until we die. and if one lie would enter into our faith then the Word of God would be nothing but a lie. if you build a house from the bottom to the top then every thing that was from the bottom has to be perfect in order for the top to be perfect as well, if you build on top of a foundation that built half ass then that whole house will be half ass or imperfect.

The Last Actions in Heaven Was God's Will

 those who never could succeed in temporal action will be left behind among the glory given to the Lord and those who are lifted against God will fall with God if they were to fall without glory or intersession to what Roger has changed in all the Heavens above as to become the garden center of our universe and the winds of every direction given to our senses on earth and to the Angels of the Most Highest Order in God's power to regulate or give authority to them in which God has chosen.

The Enlightened Wind of Heaven in Us All

 to the Western Christ take heed upon every ancestor of our being or the light will never shine again even the sun will darken at night and never back unto that day until the ancestors are heard and complied with during the cultures of our own ancestors removal that hold on to all the things in control from here on into outer space of our inner galactic system that controls the weather of every planet seen from the distance. and to those who are without God are under it's mercy. for the Lord of Law has became the insight of distant measure from here unto there forever. 

In Flight of Law and Faith

 as to become the heavenly figure from earth one has to be announced under Heaven and chosen by God. One in particular is the Commondaire the highest in law force which is given to the big hat of the force the spiritual containment of Law and Faith to order. the First Commodore is Carlos (Seth) of New Mexico who was also the God of Light or the Sun.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Curse of God's Word Entered the Mouth

today we have God's glory to be given for our own time that had faith in God's returns. and taking down the enemy into the earth where God welcomes those who heard the Word of God through Me Roger Grant and still kept their faith unto God and our own victory over the unclean spirits during the great cleansing on earth that had forsaken the West Christ (Roger) who had  separated the House from Heaven, the church from state and made them equal as all things became new. through the Trinnity (1) who was, (2) who is, and (3) who will be the Word of God and the one who became the Trinitatus Who is Gods, Buddha and Allah. who weighs the Feather to the Words of God, for flesh to manifest God's promise within them who believed that i had returned from Hell and will establish the Heavenly Kingdom from Earth. if you never seen God then do not fight the one who had saved all the Gods in Heaven and every person in our universe. and if you are not fighting Me then why did your ass (donkey) tell you that you will die if these words would fall down again to the earth, without knowing the spirit of Christ that had become flesh as Heaven became on earth.

Our Heaven Will Grow Beyond Sight

 Lord, i thank you for letting us see our destiny and be a part of your Kingdom, and choosing Us for the good works that We had done. this day was a promise for those who could not see what we had seen today as the prophecies of the Bible were fulfilled, as your servant Roger Grant became the Most High, the Almighty and who has taken the Place of God's holy order in Spirit for the Mothers of Heaven and for the Father of Gods; who was Zues; the Father of the Anunnaki.

Do Not Covet or Give something You Will Regret

 those who can hold their day as good as the other will never have an excuse or look like they were in the hole, but most will never let you know that they were in it as well. and most can not help another when they are getting their self back together. lean against the House of God and its Church as a cane and i know your good works will never be a waste of time for i had seen your heart and your body suffer for others without wanting. let this be an account of your good deeds seen in the face of God when others could not afford to let themselves go you stood up against rest and held up others that could never thank you.

Doing The Right Thing Means Keep Trying

 many will think that they are a back slider when they were trying to get closer to God and start all over again, but their love for God is never given to be a waste of a time or something that i never knew about and i still hope that when they find that day of happiness in life that they will still come back to Me. i could never hurt someone who needs my help, or deny anyone who is searching for a new life when finding someone to help is so hard sometimes. don't be afraid to call on Me.

Entering Our Kingdom of Heaven

the nature of the beast fights twice as hard when backed into corner. we are the first Heaven to multiply the Heavens above. and then Roger came upon a time with a love affair that was picture perfect until they killed Her. for those who hold thier own blessing in separation will forever do so, but my son Roger will never have a day taken from the Mother, therefor those will be plied in a prison that can not spring forth unless they are married. and only then will we change thier spiritual outreach to Grant Kingdoms back unto Heaven. and those who i destroyed will never find a place in Heaven, and will have to survive through thier slavery. i am Roger Grant the First of Heaven unto Grant her last name and the names of Heavens day given to God's covenant in Heaven between the Milky Way and Andromeda, and to One in Heaven and One the on Earth; may there be peace. and those who are in different will never enter our Heaven on time but will be the end of days that they had chosen for Us. the time in destruction. we all know that we today on earth had done great things but you still believe that i am the one who is suffer will more than suffering placed upon thier day as the day ends so shall thier spirit end. and those who can not hold on to wife, children, or family will know this to be forever. those who came upon Me will burn a thousand days under the Heat of Heaven and everything that can not be change under the sun was given to thier families as well for the death of God's day in hand  that can never be taken back. and into Hell you will go until one of Us separates from one another.

The Deceived and Countered

when the Heaven's above had turned there back on Us who held on to God Power was seen disturbed and attacked. and at 5000:1 we swept across the galaxies and started from the center of our universe and had taken everything back that had turn sides against God's Army that was disciplined and sent to there own home planets that we had taken back from the beginning and this time we had destroyed them who had thought they could take from God the days of our victory ay hand. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

God's Mark Set Upon Roger's Right Hand

 there was who was born as shepherd and he was the last born and the oldest of the two was born as a child and the youngest who is the first born of these two was born a man and he toiled in the garden until the presence of the Lord became man so the two prepared a sacrifice in sight of the Lord their God. and God said to Roger that she liked his sacrifice to knowledge but more so that it the good works that made his countenance the respect of God's garden today. so the man took heed and sowed the sins of man in the earth with those who would do good works would not be killed or be murdered but will live another thousand years as the Prophet Mohhamad will with Islam and have His day of rest.  

The Hail of Holy Stones

 The Road Runner is perfect glimpse of thunder striking upon the ground of enchantment or negativity with perfection and the wind trail of God's foot path that is known to only those who came down from the mountain tops for a snake to became as wise and a lizard to become a gender of love that are so perfect in its beauty that it released the serpent that was given to her who was the fastest on desert grounds that were lit in season for Her day to be as the lizard and as beautiful as every bird's day unfolding in flight to her own given to the earth and taken two from what had three eggs from the three that was chosen so that she could live again down upon the ground of lightning and every passing day that follows the flock of Ravens above and i saw a thunder bird's shadow fly above me it was five foot in span and when looked up in the air it was a raven that brings the heavy rain back onto the raining days of freedom ones own flight in the Heavens lifted up high as a mountain before the thunder bird dances in the wind giving forth the last breath to God so that day may sweep high and low for all to see the Holiness of Hail fallen from the tops of mountains down upon the grounds of God's tail and snake coming back from the dead giving unto Her the first egg from her time that to become like mine in the tail feathers of a Raptor that was once ancient and as wise and beautiful as she is near yesterday bringing down hail from the mountains of time that brought forth the breath of God's heart the silence of wisdom and the times God stayed to earth and became the day of Heaven return. and days before the free flight of God's children return high above the desert floor and down unto the ground of each and every step for our own last meal that may be our first and only day to spring forth into giving hail unto those who would follow the flight of thunder and lightning under foot.

Your Rights Unto Heaven

i am the Lord of Saviors, and i give unto you your rights to Heaven through my Victory Our Enemy. so that the ground you that we come from will always return and be given authority through God's hand that created Him in His image as She was created in Her image the image of Roger who has given your rights to Heaven and Hell and the choice that i Roger had given to you and in Heaven as it will be on earth unto to its own children that keep our Lands Living in the Wind of God's direction or faith that makes it through the Flesh of God's spirit. love your brother and sister so that we may choose our own sex tomorrow, that we may eat drink and marry a wife or hold the hand of their church. you have the right to be separate but equal given to church and state. no one can unclothe those who worship God; revealing the sins of other people, when i had clothed them. to keep reaching out for those who need you, as God will always give and provide to what you need on earth. i am the Father of Heaven (Roger Ramos Grant), and brother in God, and the things that we can not forgive is someone separating the House of God; dividing it among themselves and counted one out. for this i will bring them back together and never think about again. and those who did not understand are the one that i Roger had separated from God's House, so that truth will return back from whence it was lost. and those who stand around when write will burn in their discretion knowing that i am the Lord of Worlds who was marked on the thigh "Kings of Kings" and it is your right to knew that is our planet the birth place of Man and Woman and no other day will be able to take what i Roger have given to Us on Hearth; the Heavenly Earth. 

Dead Land: is Land (Planet or Continent) that can be sacrificed, destroyed or given unto its own children.

and the next time we separate God's Church and House then we will lose that much more Power. than what we thought we were doing. do not cast out your fear but use them for others so that they can be stronger than Us today.

The Angels of Heaven are the Mother at Our Gate

 the Angels of Heaven are the protectors of Us who have been here in time that changes tomorrow for its family tree that holds the grafting of every good fruit that had sustained us through drought and thirst when no other time could have save being of God's faith forever said Dolly Pardon.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Mothers of Heaven Reunite

 the Mothers of Heaven are in the days of tomorrow, that have been my wife and my Deamons without wings that are int the night of Heaven, the days of tomorrow in remembrance of today who will understand the light and make covenant with God's children. i am the Father of Heaven and the Son of God who is the Mothers of Heaven on Earth in the sixth day of Heaven's creation where my day is given to Her in Heaven when the time is inside the days return that was swallowed from the ground up unto the Days of Heaven lit to our own times in Heaven to whom have been watching out their own Sons and Daughters from Heaven Above. and to the south was the future and to the north that past and she awaits at the clear waters of the future and he awaits for her to come back to Him together when God is given the Children of Heaven once again to be hidden in wilderness when God will search the ends of this universe for his Children and will find them within her womb as the time was swallowed before it was taken to safety unto the eastern gates of Heaven that holds the time to be Sunday, Monday when we are in Saturday, Sunday, and as the day was swallowed by the night the Our Kingdom of God that had risen once again.

The Words of God are Not the Enemy

 when people are arguing over the Word of God, then don't use the words to translate what we are saying but use them upon meditation so that you can understand what God is saying and translate it to your common tongue so that the world would understand. when people say what translation do you have of the Bible? i would not even know what that meant. aren't all Bibles alike? we need to stop fighting with Gods word (sword) that kill themselves and others who may want to learn about God. teach people understanding that God is knowledge and if these Bible translations become sticks and stones that thrown at people they will just run away because these words were made for healing everyone and for priesthood.

God had Made All Things New

 the Lord had made everything new but yet we are still fighting about the old things that made us different are we not the Children of God? do we not know God the Father or Mother? and if we would come together we would we be able to do anything? why are we still fighting about the words of God that had already come to past? why are we not able to hold ourself up when we chose to deny God in others than ourselves. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

The Lords Chosen One

 if God had chosen a person that would speak for them why would we need another person speaking for God? and those who think they are greater than who God had chosen. will act as if they were that chosen one when they never knew God. they will try to speak in place of God's chosen one, but will confuse the people who try to understand the will of God. when you hear God you hear truth and wisdom with knowledge upon righteousness that can be understood but those who speak as if they were Christ but were not will just confuse people in the spirit without knowing or having understanding to what the Chosen one just had said.

The Creation of God is For All

 because we did not believe that we were made together at one the time in flesh and in spirit the Lord destroyed us and then restored what was good in Heaven but the those who were unclean spirit came back after a 1000 years and lied to the inhabitants of this world. saying that they were Jews the lost sheep but did not know who was a Jew or who was Satan. Satan is all the Saints in Heaven that died for God and they protect us in the spirit or in the flesh of those who believe in the only begotten Son of God who was cleansed and saved the world on the Day of Judgment that was given to the God of Names (Allah) and the Lord of Lords (Christ) and the Lord of Worlds (Satan) and unto our Lord and the only Begotten Son of Heaven who is Buddha. and because we did not understand the four rivers of Heaven we did not understand the transgression of the Holy Spirit who is the Destroyer or the Devil who is the Beast, and who is the false prophet, who is to Grant wisdom on that day to know Truth and Wisdom created Knowledge and then the Righteousness of their own House that had served God in all their days. is not Islam is the same as a Judaism because they share the same Father in Heaven as did Abraham our patriarch. or just as the Greeks did with the Romans, (India, and the Native American Indians) Meso- American and Meso-Patamia, or the Churches of Asia Minor that is with Russia at this time. did not every enemy become God in transgression to our own mistakes? or do we still consider that those who not kneel or bow down in another Kingdom to the King are Honoring their own Lord as well. to know that all creation was created at one time will heal the world that we forgot.

The Sixth Day Creation and Flesh of Woman

 how would we think today if yesterday had the same thoughts ideas, and notions that guided one race into a heaven with out the other that would be destroyed. or the times that guides us unto yesterday for today. we feel would say to ourselves that they could not have the abilities THAT WE HAVE TODAY. and the more we search for an answer the more we find out that man was not as ignorant as we pretended to be when the world was destroyed five times before today. and in any case it points to us today to know that we have sinned five times from out of the sixth the world that we can start living in today. the six day of Heaven when the evening became morning and the local stars from the Heaven above could be seen as falling onto earth when it had reached its deepest depth in Heaven's gate that returned to earth as it would in Heaven. but to be a part of God's greater that brought forth yesterday and today unto one Heaven, one creation, and one time that will repeat itself because we can not agree on the true Nation Under God that had swallowed other Nations that held on to their own God as an example of what we had taught to them who holds on to the same promise land that God had given to us and to our ancestors and to our forefathers and mothers of this Heaven that had come together in remembrance of God's Heaven that swallows the Heavens that we live in and places them in another dimensional gate that brought forth the same time the would come as a quick separation from those who did not believe but still fought God. but as in life that is restored God had given us alone at this time to save everything that we have been fighting for all this time, and that is a chance to live, and give what God had given to us in return.

The Day of The Raven

while practicing my crossbow, i heard a raven crow where are my three children, at that time the spirit had taken Me over spoke to her as i saw three signs appear a white rock shapes as an arrowhead and then another rock half white and half and half grey the third was the image of the raven whole and while God was in Me i was in God's Spirit so that i would speak. and told the Raven that her lost children would return today. because she knew not of their death but of their arrival. i told her that her children would also return from the afterworld from whence they helped the living Spirit of God dwell withing the Heavens above so that we who are Angels of God will also see the nature of God's gift in spirit said my wife Patsy Cline, for what will be given in nature to rebirth her own children but they showed up in time, ten minutes later after speaking in the Union of Spirit and God's creation a whole massacre of Ravens; at least forty Ravens were up above in circling the area that her children once had died but still live as she sees them that had returned among that given fruit that was eaten but who is still given back to their own mother and who is colored as bright as her sons reflect a purple glare from the morning sun that had awakened the afterlife to welcome those who has returned today for their own giving back unto the dead as we haven been given a chance to live once again.

Honor and Discipline

unto to them without honor or discipline, the Holy Spirit will be among you until you die, hoping and waiting for your return. so do the good works as hard as the next person in line or others will have to make up for your mistakes, and never put yourself at the end or rear of the line unless you are willing to correct mistakes of other's who been at the frontlines of our battles.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Do Unto Others as They Had Done Unto You

Do Not Understand Tomorrow without Knowing Yesterday

 never mislead people, never make an example of someone who is going die. and never try to know tomorrows outcome unless you are drinking from the Cup of God's sacrifice that may come again.

do not joke about someone who is dying or you may have to understand the hard way. because no one knows tomorrow, or the sacrifices that change it.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

The Nest and Fruits of Knowledge

 when the Dragon of Thunder makes Her nest in the Tree of Knowledge then many different names will be given unto it as a stand alone tree that grows in righteousness given to the knowledge that was protected in the midst of that Garden where wisdom and true are come above and below the Tree of knowledge, where life and death was found forsaken from our own knowledge that was lost from the beginning of time, lost in faith. and if you would lose faith then no Fruit of God will save us from eating from the center of that garden that gave plenty in faith but those who scoff and doubt the words of truth, wisdom, and knowledge had found the tree of righteousness that likes looks like the tree of knowledge but would give death and poison to anyone who would doubt God's message in return of good works. but God will let them die in the rest of their days on earth.

We Are On the Fifth Day of God's Creation

The Fifth Day of God's Creation Needs Us To Finish it.

 the new alignment is with the eclipse of 2017 and 2024 that can be more visible in the places where Heaven built four and to the Four Corners Area where the Kingdom of God had fallen from Heaven into Hell on earth and was measured with a miracle mile that took one step as She took the next that made a miracle just a mile down the road from A-Z to the Zia state where Arizona is connected to NewMexico. and when i die i can lay my greatness to those who had faith in Me. so that i could believe that there will always be greater and greater than i am in the Marriage of God that became the third, fourth, and fifth Heaven on earth that was grafted on God's Heavenly Tree of Knowledge where i grafted four different branches and generations that covered the night shift that became a number and one light, One Marriage in a greater marriage given to Allah who creates the Children of Islam the Shepherd and path of today. God had held every family tree onto its own here in the New Kingdom of God that was separated into four winds that will return unto this land as the breath shall be given again to Holy people of "Diné" who had spoken with God and saved what could be saved to this world that was upon world as universe to universe and life to its own garden that grafted the Truth of Heaven to its own today in the Four Corners Area connected to Apachean the Navajo children and the shiny stars of our dying day that was left behind on a tree that stood alone and half dead. Still, God had grafted their own time and peace given to this world for the whole universe to be recalled through obligation so that what was forgotten did not speak until the children of this Native American Indian gave their own tree to another person who would be sacrificed and forgotten. Still, the Lord said unto Heaven, listen to our prayers that rise into Heaven every day with a child to be at God's hand and side. a tree that once stood alone four, three Heavens to become a fifth of what was grafted into the world that waiting for this great marriage to be reborn among the five Indian tribes of Native America that fished from the eastern Atlantic unto the western Pacific tribes of this nation that had built its own greatness on the value of our children that had been given the fires of God through the spirit of truth for that day to become Desert Path that was to be followed unto a People of Islam a Nation that had protected this world onto a path that God themselves had taken 2000 years before its return before its own time that will fall into sea of marriage that was mixed with the grapes of wrath that had be given back unto our day the fourth day given through a path that God had guided us before today could have a Voice of Peace among their own path finders that had found the true path of God's return given to the Western Christ and gardens keeper (Roger Grant) who grafted the branches of early with the branches the tree of today on earth for a great cleansing to occur with every leaf and medication that held on to the hand of a fallen house and that had not stood for years but today is our Mother the first true Heaven on Earth that was raised to ash and still burning from truth and wisdom that guides the Heaven above closer to mine that had kept the truth alive with many different the holy ones where the Heavens had became closer to where i stand alone for its own children to return from the farthest reaches of space that defined God's light into God Speed that was half in and half out of Heaven on earth where the smoke of our torment rises in signals to Heaven for this to occur upon their own head that was crushed under the heel of  Alamogordo N.M. where the Holy War of Heaven comes within three consecutive thunders that darkens the day to night when God had only taken enough for three nights and two days in creation of our Heaven today which is still unfinished until today. i had fought with Heaven above for the right rule all of Heaven above or below through covenants that i Roger Grant had given to One marriage and five religions that surround the four and fifth corners of Heaven on Earth. Amen.

Friday, September 22, 2023

A Pearl for Marriage was Buried in the Underworld

 the Coyate was once alone. so it created life and a universe so small that if it could fit inside a one-man's hand, den it would dig a hole as deep as an ocean floor that would cover the entire universe when He would transverse dimensions to other times and places in another world that looked like ours in the last world before its water ran dry from trying to define God's Spirit without know your true form. so the coyote went back to the old world and spoke to His brother the Desert Fox and to His old mother who is a Coyate and the first Mother of two breeds that came together as One had the same mother from another world. the coyote is a trickster because when you see one there will be ten more like the first one that became the last to enter the first House of God as two brothers met the two mothers that had become human as twins giving birth four two Heavens beside each other and it was after the fourth shift (Graveyard Shift) when i seen the Father of Heaven open the blue sky that had two turquoise plates on each side of His stack (money string) carrying the Sun on His shoulder that made God look hunchback and this God whose name is Kokopelli would also carry the moon as a pearl upon His shoulder in the bag of holding to the underworld buried in between New Mexico and Mexico 

The New World Order (Fire)

 seven prophets of seven elements or Kings that came unto the New World with a new prophecy that brings white man from a White Mountain (Caucasian) across the Atlantic Ocean to create a mighty nation with the red people that lived at the Red Mountain. (Colorado) and food grew from these lands of water that still exist today in the northern great lakes where the people ate food from the waters that provided Native American Indian that was made child from the new land and native people of this new world that had pulled themselves out of a shallow grave in the Sacramento Mountains where Old Baldy (Grand Father) sits on top of Sierrea Blanca. and if these two would come together then the yellow and black man would join this great nation and even make it greater. but if the white man and red man does not come together. then the black and yellow man will come together gather from different waters to measure the New Kingdom of God that had descended down onto earth from four corners of Heaven where four Mountains of fire, water, earth and air surround the four sides of each corner built inward as a pillar that holds up the universe from Hearth the Heavenly earth as a sign to its people that given a short time. the Son of Perdition is Satan the Son of the native American Indian who was our Grand Mother and the Mother of the Holy Ones that had fallen to earth on a mountain of fire that had killed 1/3 of its people that had risen into the smoke of prayers that rises into Heaven along with 80,000,000 tribesmen that lived within the four corners area and Mexico.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Only value in Life is Trust

a promise that was broken can be worse than a sin. something unforgivable when the gold of each others heart had judged each other and the only thing that keeps us upright are the promises of trusted heart that will not be found empty when the day is needed as a provision of tomorrow's peace that can never be broken. 

Angels that Helped Us Shape the World

 among the 200 watchers of God who knew everything that was going to unfold and everything that was told from the beginning of times whence time became the last and the first to know. so did the understanding of God's creation that set upon the mountain tops of Heaven or God's creation that set all Heavenly things to man and woman, fire and water, truth and wisdom, that had fallen from the tree of knowledge where the Heavens grew upon the face of the earth that made every leaf and medicine a canopy of many Heavens that covered and healed Us on earth when we were naked. for the trees of God's garden are the keepers of God's victory over good and evil that had fallen with the eyes of God's own children who watched over Us while i had returned unto today. let them be married and create a Heaven for their children to rule as well. we are Brothers in Spirit and the time will separate and come back together as one MesoAmerica and MesoPotamian the Eastern and Western Mesopolis Cities of this World  in 240,000 years from now and will make this great universal link into the future of mankind. and let them return as Holy Ones in matrimony with God and children.

The Highest Mountain in Heaven Falls to Earth

 what we choose to teach is a sin when we argue with people who can not understand will not enter into Heaven in the spirit of the all knowing that branches truth above to Heaven and roots wisdom down below to earth where she nourishes us who are above outreaching to the light, while she wears a blind to see where she is in the dark as she carries a Scale of God's justice in Her hands that measures and balances upon Her heart and name that was turned upside down and all the way around in the Womb of God's spirit reborn again. the Father of Heaven born of truth and wisdom giving birth to the Son of Man.(Zues) and to the giants of the old world who protected Us from within the earth as evil rising out of Hell like wild fire to the Heights of God's mountain that can be seen from all the Heaven's above. 

A Spiritual Test

 how spiritual are you? i will ask you a few Questions about the visions that i send you.  at night there is a star that i am facing. 

  1. in the vision i sent you. what direction am i facing when i am towards the star? 
  2. i am facing north looking at the past. what direction am i facing when i am looking to the future?
  3. when i say "make a way for the kingdom that is coming." what direction am i facing? what am i running on when we keep picking up momentum?  
if you got one right then you should be in the House of the Lord helping the Angels sing to Heaven.

1/3 Was Swallowed Again and Again

it will be 1/3 of Christians who thought they had known Christ but never knew about reincarnation or resurrection, and when Christ had returned they did not want to know Christ had returned because of there faith had lied to them telling them to keep an eye out for the False Prophet, or those who say that they are God. because there will be many who say that they are Jesus. and if you believe this false doctrine then there will never be a return of Jesus Christ who is an Idol to All Gods, and a worshipper of the Almighty who are All God's Children and All were made within His (Roger) image and within His body we are one as He is one within Us All in spirit. the reincarnation will remember His circumcision after rebirth. and the resurrection will be the one who becomes the Father and rises out from Hell unto Heaven on earth. becoming Christ in Spirit and the incarnation of All Gods. (essence) . and there will be 1/3 who did not believe in God but will believe in that day that He returns because they become His people. and 1/3 of God's army will make it into Heaven as a sacrifice to All God's people. and i saw a 1/3 of All World Wars become separated for peace and wisdom held high in Her arms the victors all the world wars who became Allies make into Heaven. for this day was a day for rest and 1/3 of the day was darkened at night and 1/3 of the stars at night did not shine because those were saved in the beginning when 1/3 of our creation did not make it all into Heaven but was scattered among the stars at night that were separated for peace until the Lord would return and save Us All.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Walk and Talk Like Jesus Christ

hold to the things that set you apart from others and hold to those who are different but one in the same. those who know the truth will set truth to every man and woman who walks with God in flesh, but some who say they know the truth had fallen because they had blamed others for walking that miracle mile just to understand the truth in Heaven is not the same truth on earth, even though they are one in the same they are different. and those who had knowledge were in the Spirit of God before such as Jesus Christ who still walks in the spirit of truth today that became flesh through the promise of God's word that is hidden until it manifests among the chosen one Roger Grant of that field (main occupation) who was, who is, and who will be the same as they were the first and last to walk with God.

no man will have the Spirit of Truth if they doubt anything that is true.

The Greatest Thing to Man

 what is the greatest thing today known to man? to know Christ had already returned today and wiped our slate clean and to know that we who believe in God had been given a worldly Heaven as Gods. for the day had pleased Me kindly as We both were given to this blessing at hand for One Marriage and One Kind..

The Day is at Hand

 i am the day given to all the first witness and testimony of God's river returning unto earth. many had lost there way unto Heaven, but many had found Heaven before they entered. the Priest are the disciples of God's Spirit in Matrimony. and if i would ask them to help Me they would be there before i could say anything. i serve those who serve God. and in Heaven God remembers our name so that when we forget or when the sun goes down we will be beside God alone. it is God that brings Me to tears in a Church that had already forgiven Me.

The Sixth Sense

women have six senses, but man has five. these are touch (heart), smell, sight, taste, and hearing. these are not your physical traits, but your spiritual traits. and the sixth sense is wisdom. maybe if you follow the course or path that we are on men will have that sixth sense in 400 years.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Synagogue of Satan

 why don't we celebrate our own religious freedom in the new world? we are the Kingdom of Heaven that was measured in the Book of Revelations; where the four Angels in the desert are at the four corners of Heaven on Earth. many people are looking for an answer in a foreign land when the same blessing had been given to us first in America so that we could be honored among the world who believes that Jesus Christ had came from Israel, but was set in a foreign land for the Father of Heaven (Roger) to be circumcised at birth in the USA. and those who deny that the begotten Son of Heaven was Roger will never enter into the Kingdom of God or become the lost and found. for thier day was in another house that they were not invited to. they even thought that they were Jewish when they were in the Synagogue of Satan. (Roger)

What is in Heaven Shall Fall to Earth

 God's Kingdom is not built with materialistic things that are corrupted or can be manipulated but it is built from the Heart that feels everything that we can not see or hear. the enemy will build upon things that are corruptible or break when the foundations of earth shake as the enemy crumble beneath our feet.. that's when all will hear the False Prophet's voice speaking in the wind with thunders of lightning that light our ways in the dark to swallow the enemy of God and devour their Heavens above. 

The Sand and Water Well

 when the two Heavens collide only one is swept away and spat upon. for the ones who say they are Me and speak when i speak so that people would see them instead of Me who becomes the feast the one devoured and the one placed in the sand of Allah's Garden and will rise but will fall below anyone tempted, they will be an example of what not to do and an example of faith that should never leave our side. and i am the one that held them in the sands of time and they will perish for knowing that God had made an example of those who thought they were greater than Demons when they could not enter into the garden nor stay a while before they were cast out swept and made to a time that must control its center.

they ones buried in the sand will say that the are Christ Jesus or Jacob Muhammed. many will speak when Jacob speaks and they will try to become like His voice and lie. ignore them for their time is to be placed on the Tree of Fire that is in Heaven and where they burn over and over after the last Prophet Joshua returns as the First Prophet of Allah who is Jacob Muhammed and Christ Jesus who is Judas Iscariot 

The Falling Away

 there is always someone to devour and someone that is to be devoured and those who are weak in flesh will be devoured in the spirit that darkens the light on earth because they did not know God or anyone that was with God when they would conspire to mislead people away from God because they did not believe so God will mislead them back into the ash and dust of fire from whence they had come. and thier flesh will be a spiritual weakening on earth that dishonors God in Heaven. 

Whois Who is You

 those who find themselves connected to spiritual gifts and God whois all knowing and will enhance their powers with understanding and insight given to all who are in presence of Angels. for those who want strength or a higher force of guidance will have to go through God whois the source of all magik or synergy of light; the Great Teacher Who awakens the spirit and delivers the soul unto earth and the remembrance of good and evil inside of us all who becomes an Apostle of God. but only those who believe in Me will be given this spiritual supplement that can magnify your gift one fold or 100 times your spiritual gift.

The Five Seasons of Harvest

 i will explain the fifth season as God had told Me. we pray during the first five seasons of our harvest and then we will let the ground settle while we go out during the Hunt for the next two seasons. and i Roger Grant made every season a generation or every five leap years which is one score years on earth and after the fifth season we need not pray to God anymore for our harvest, because the Father will be on earth they will be among the children of God's Harvest then after seven seasons the harvest will begin again. and those who have Heavenly authority on earth will be Priests who act as God during the sixth and seventh season, overseeing their flock and separating them for peace. and the Anti-Christs will receive their power and the Holy of Hollies, and Roger the West Christ will become a Christian and will be with the inhabitants of earth and all people, faces, and kindred, will see the Face of God; the Beast and the False Prophet who was the Prophet Jesus Christ and the Prophet Muhammed and Who is the Madhi ( Roger Grant) the bringer of peace and the blessing given to all in Heaven on Earth. Amen.

Adultery and Fornication

 to commit adultery is to have sex without someone's permission, including your spouse, and in the worst case scenario it is rape. and to commit fornication is to leave your spouse for another person.

The Answer to Our Questions

when you get to Heaven and God asks you what is it that you want on earth as well in Heaven? and those who had scarified themselves said would want those who died for Me to enter into Heaven as i return to earth to start and new faithful life. and those who had trouble all there lives will say i just wish it will be easier and someone to help Me when i need it. and those who worshipped God would say praise  to you in Heaven and all on earth will praise your name in Heaven, for Her name is lifted higher than any other in Heaven and there you will reign with your daughters in the Heavens above with your sons on earth.

Monday, September 18, 2023

The Begotten Children of God

the true begotten sons were adopted we have been given a bloodline of our mothers that hold all royalty to man. try to uphold your bloodline to a family tree that has grafted many others upon thier own branch that lives today on earth as the Native American Indians that have a rich tree that seeds many in Heaven and on Earth.

The Ones Who are Reborn Will See the Kingdom

if you can hear God, ask if Christ will return. and if God says yes, then ask for the name of that person who is Christ and who has already returned. and God will say Roger. if God would tell you His or Her name then that 2000 year old mystery would be solved. God is the only one who will know when Christ returns; the one who is reborn or reincarnated will reveal to the those who were saved, and only then can we die and see God and make it into the Kingdom. 

The House of Grant

 the house that i am within gives Me love, strength and devotion. the House that 'I Am is the Mother of All Creation, and ruler of Heaven. Her name that is above all in Heaven. Our House is the finest House in Heaven the first and last of God's day given to Women, or to the Churches of God that holds on to every brick in God's wall sturdy, plumed and level. and in Her name shall the upright stand tall as every pillar holding up the next to come and enter the first through its last doorway seen above through the temple mounts of God's Heavenly Gate. the two were separated at birth the kingdom was given to the sister and the army was given to the brother at arms to protect every land that came upon our world  every brick every Kingdom to be built upon the third day and church for the third to arise out from eastern kingdom that was separated from marriage but still one in the churches towards Asia Minor a third of Heaven that was made the same and equal to the day given for third mount and temple. God bless those who have a fifth marriage without husband to be a widow on that day. for there day will never enter into Heaven but will curse the land of giants towards Allah who had not had their marriage but will fall within one day to receive what was given to Her and Him in that day for a child to be born of Islam.

The Four and Four More HorseMen

 the Four Angels of the frontal Apocalypse kicking off their day giving birth to the reborn and the one resurrected at 'Mountains Tops' planet said Howie, Brown, Bradshaw and Marino.

The Lord Returns As Satan (Lazerus)

 356,999 years from now a voice in Mexico will proclaim that they have become the new watchers of this earth and will say that those who came today were liars who dealt in false religion. but will awaken a time that will flood the earth once again because they did not believe in Us today who set the beginning of Heaven through the ages to come. and it is i Roger Grant who testify of these miracles that are greater and greater in Heaven and Earth. three days in darkness will encamp the land and the rain will fall on the third day and on the third day of the rain a scroll will read out loud towards its peoples and towards the Lord of Saints who had returned from Heaven Above that stops the flood from happening again. 

The Southern Gate of Rome

Ceasar Nero will come from Mexico and will be a black man and will be placed beside God's Holy Church in Rome.

The Zodiac Systems

 when the Lord made a day for a time in the season of the Zodiac became a gear within our system that combined two other systems Eastern and Western that produced the rate of cycles per season (i.e. leap year) the first is within a time and times that have taken before it idols back unto the last sign every two thousand years that i Roger Grant have created with the Dog Star, Saturn and "Helius" (Our Star) who Dr. Neil Degraus Tyson just informed Me on our stars name. and the two cycles of 8 will lead back and forth until the Insectiziod Zodiac can be grafted to our Tree of Life as 1/3 of Heaven created before it is produced. what was half in Heaven is also half out of Heaven two each will given its way back again.

Those of a New Beginning

 the Child that is to be born is the Heavenly Body of Earth that one planet that we created to its system that had brought another planet beside it, and the two planets had reached its destiny in time. 

The True Path of Tomorrow

 the Paraomni of Heaven is the Beginning and the end of All things that are structured in life. the meaning of God, or morales that guide the everlasting genius in us all. when one posses the ability we all posses the ability and ingenious. to know god's direction is to know the path that god was on.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Book of Life

 when God had sent Me out as a messenger i warned all the people that would be an element in God's way to stay out of the Lord's business. but your seemed to doubt. and look at the things that we have to overcome for the Lord to return on earth. i told publishers not to kill Me, but to help Me from the fires that you have built for yourselves incoming, and that be to hard for anyone to tell the truth. just i told screen writers and people who interested in killing Me. i said to them as i say again. when we were there knowing the pain of God's days that were suffering was given by us today. we changed what we do not know. and although you wanted us to know the suffering of God you lied about doing it. you would project times that could of been fixed by a Prophet, but them days were spoiled from lying and telling people that you know the future but really killed the Christ as you found yourself in the seat of reincarnation when others never even knew about God. i Roger Grant had given you an offer but you took the money instead, making my day even harder to return for all to see my face, the face that you had changed for your glory in your story. for all who are out there writing about the Lord and making a story that is not true in the flesh or spirit will have to fall into Hell as the fires build in the afterlife that we seek for our glory only. those who's story aims at any name in the Book of Life (Bible) as an Enemy of God will have one chance to change what they had given to the public as a true lie.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Elements of God

 there many elements that we can not battle so believe in the Lord the one who has dominion over the elements. 

Friday, September 15, 2023

Keep Peace and Separation

 we have been given to the distance that it takes us farther into space than we have done in the past. a part of our peacekeeper efforts that uphold planets where God can exist from such as our earth today. that never received the reckoning of God that holds all things possible to its inhabitants that believe in Me who have been separated for peace, as well for the protection of our own neighbors at hand that live a hard life toiling in the Soils of the Meek, that inherits there earth through hard work and sweat that could never pay the wind on there back for five seasons until they are on the hunt for two more seasons until the fields get rest. the Mother will be in charge of the House of God when the men have gone out hunting.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Voice of God is Harmony

 God had given me the voice and under the voice I had shared everything advanced in spirit nature god has given me in bold that we are to survive perhaps killed one another but still survive unto our own onslaught that people had prepared from the beginning of God's plan that never forsaken anyone but those who forsake Roger. we are in the fifth day of God's creation that you had already destroyed when you went ahead and fought God in spirit, Heaven and in the flesh where you who have forsaken us and had died when no one was here on earth to help you, but upon the return you never needed understanding but on knew that what was about to happen already happened and you can not grasp the Speed of God's reaction before it happened and to know that you had caused that reaction draws down upon you who will suffer for the day you cause others to freeze in Hell as you are given everything that you had tried giving Me Roger in return to your own actions that speak louder than words can ever speak in blasphemy towards the Spirit of God that can never be forgiven but honor everyday of your life that can not change even if you had wished upon a fallen star your deeds have been piled up into Heaven where you will suffer you conscience to the Devil and Satan will drop you in the river of faith where one had already had drowned in the Wrath of God's wine that is given to everyone in marriage for a lifetime. but yours tasted like vinegar and acid burning the lips of those who were blasphemous and taking their soul down into the underworld where they will be tormented for one 1000 years without drop of water quenching their thirst in relief, they cry everyday and night to wine but the Lord seals their throat with salt and stitches the lips of them together without knowledge so that they all would fall when that great star falls upon the world and give to it the gifts of God that prepared this day for our happiness, our Heavenly Father and the Kingdom that shall not be thrown down in place of ignorance but will rise as a resurrection of God's church and body so that they will heal the world and they will be given food, wine, and become merry for 1000 years to come and establish the Highest Mountain in Heaven that Roger had climbed to become the Most High. and those who had taken our marriages from us in Heaven will burst their wine skins when watering it down with lies. they be will become dry and try to sing the New Songs of Heaven that Roger had wrote but can never understand the Words of them Songs that the universe now sings in delight.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Three Things That Mislead the World

lies that are taught to us because we did not understand or know the truth.
  1.  the first born were sacrificed means that the youngest were sacrificed to God but they still lived. i.e. the first born of Egypt, or Israel when the chosen one was born among them. another example is Cain and Able.
  2. four new corner stones that stand up the house of God are the four beasts that had fought together with us in Heaven. the four beast are God, Satan, Devil and Demon that had fought in victory with the unclean spirits that inhabited the Heavens above.
  3. we think that the one who is to come and say that they are God will be blasphemous. but when Jesus Christ returns he is going to proclaim that He is God. and we will murder him for telling the truth because he will be liked and do great miracles in sight of God. but we who have been taught wrong will kill this man because we did not understand. and the only one that can reveal this to us is Jesus Christ. but since he is going to be hated for telling the truth, what is the point of living when through ignorance when we destroy the world every time we kill a Prophet of God.
these are just a few things that we mislead each other with unto death. but if you would listen to God's Prophet then everything will become solid gold. and we will never have to cry again .

The Center of Our Universe Cleared

there a child that was to fulfill this covenant unto God but the father of this child was unclean in spirit and did not care for the Lord who had given them time to change thier position in a war that had already determined the Victory of God through mass destruction, but since they are lying to themselves they inhabit each others mind by attacking thier enemies with lies. but in this case i had made the two alike in size difference and strength. they had opposed Me and said to Me that they are rulers of this Heaven above and that we should pay attention to their customs that demands tribute and constant service to thier God that they are in position to attack the weaker oppression of God's centralization through distance and time. but we had overcame that what had risen before us as we take the world away from them who fight 
God and can never win were never God's angels but were fight against us who were God's people for the rule of Heaven above (outer space). and i Roger Grant who fights at the right of God will rule the Heavens above through the center of our universe where a day on earth is a thousand years in Heaven above. (outer space) the two who were made one will destroy themselves because that had fought Me and i made the enter the same space as they collided with each other's galaxy until they became another asteroid belt reminding us of those who never knew God.

The Waters of Faith Keep You Above

faith is like treading water the more faith you have the easier it is to stay afloat and those who are tested by the Angels who have been keeping them afloat will be released in the river of faith where one with out faith will have to relax and be calm, disposes your fears and your faith will keep you up above the waters to float. when you tread on someone, you trample on them who are good, you turn everything that is good into everything bad. it is blasphemy to uncover the lesser good of someone's heart, mind, or body you tread on. do not slander someone in public. 

Monday, September 11, 2023

The Life of Heaven Born Again

 among the Angels of singularity is an unspoken word and if one would say no we all would say no for God among us is strong when She looks out after four two and the last right would be wrong. we have been agreeing on when we have died there will be no more but you don't care because you die everyday not knowing that God had been given for two and the last one was the that could not be taken as one of its own so we will give this child so that they can leave us alone. we are their Gods and no babysitters. so when God has given someone else love remember she had given you love as well. and as two come to earth one shall be the deliverance of the actions to one Heaven that suffers. the first and last Heaven must come together before a New World Order that can be given unto the universe as one people in a New Heaven. i Roger Grant had made this Universe and Kingdom that Assembled to all of God's creation that was made at one time (today) and from many people who believed that their time was like Roger's that was been given today from my predecessors who were Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein who were the same person and my Father in Heaven.

The True Words of God Return

 many in the United States are still believing that their teaching is correct, and that they could save God through lies that had been built up from people that did not hear or listen to God. God's House is a House of Peace and as long as you keep fighting Me through each other then the House of Peace will only open its door to those who are ready to learn or accept from the Bread of God's body and the Flesh of God's Spirit that had returned in this day to save the world from destruction and when you can not accept someone who says they are God then we already have murdered Jesus Christ who is going to reveal that they are God? i am Al-Masih ad-Dajjal the one who is God, and the one who has chosen to be a Prophet and not God, although i am Trinitites or the Trinatatus who is Buddha, Allah, and God in One Marriage. and i know that i must teach a whole generation that what was taught to them was wrong and what ever i should teach you have the wisdom to store the gold in God's river. and if you should look back then a pillar of salt will be your reward. we are in a new day and age that makes all things new and all things that we touch turn into gold. and if you can not do these things for yourself then no one is going to get you out of that melting pot.

the only thing that have saved some of you today was that you were good but needed more guidance unto the Heavenly plane were we stand alone today for everyone who i have judged and accepted as my own who are the Children of the Father. Who was Who is and Who will be the (Father/Uncle) Roger

The Golden Locks of Silver

The Platinum Age

the day is at hand and no man can open the words that Roger had spoken this day will never become Anointed in Christ until one can change these words into golden locks of hair that curl over in the fires of God's eye that are built up from the age of stone unto the gold and silver age which stands for reasoning and grace that sets long locks of white hair growing stronger and stronger so that it would give us faith and the ability to move a mountain. and the strength to push a pillar over from out of Heaven so that one could not be lifted up again in its own likeness. 

The Mark of The Beast

 ever lasting word that precedes from this scroll is the transparency of God's finger scribing upon a time that holds everything together as one. for the time is now to be given a place in Hell for those who have been ignoring the truth of this matter that has come to hand. let their day become silent as the day separates from themselves and from the times that come back together again. the right hand of God has to have a mark upon it for protection, or there will be no beast.

The King of Kings (Three Wisemen)

 Jesus Christ was the only begotten Son of God, and no other first born among that four year margin who were chosen by God who was Cesar of Rome in that land that Jesus was born in. they all were sacrificed when they perished in that land that had died when they seen God but still lived. the Lord was humbled and then exalted at His death, and when Ceasar knew that he had died at the cross. a certain man was given money and a place beside his king, Who is King of Jews, if he would give Him a tomb and a proper burial for that King of Kings. the King who was anointed by the three Wisemen (Kings) were sons of the them Kings as well who was John the Baptist and then Jesus Christ who were the King of Kings. 

The One Who Knows Your Secret Lies

 the secrets that we keep can not hurt anyone but ourselves and those who they tell in secrecy will hold this secret much more sacred  than they who told them, and when someone would asks those who knew about this secret will deny hearing that secret. they will say no i didn't know that. and why does that person who tell everyone secrets seemed to know more secrets than everyone else.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Wild Grows Without a Season

 the more wild we grow the stronger we procreate, and it will only take one to grow and then the rest will follow the same way that not one greater or lesser than each other until they come together with another one in the wild, one that was sowed in wilderness for both to live together. and they will start to become greater and more tamed as one controls the other, soon the one that has no control and will be pulled out from the vegetation of the gardener that will throw it in the burning fire.

The Victors of War

do unto our enemies as they had done unto you and as wisdom shares its last bit to eat with an enemy that is in need of nutrition. so do unto them as wisdom will do unto each other Samaritan. so that wisdom dictates between to waring factions to come together. "Keep your allies close but your enemies even closer." said Sun Tzu.

The Prayers of Saints

 to know what builds up into Heaven are the prayers of saints. the healing of God's body in the essence of God's spirit of healing that will come with laughter as well with crying for one another.

The Holy Ghost is God's Image

 to heal yourself have to be in fear, love or become childlike. you have to know who you were afraid of and who you loved as a child. you can always put your care in their spirit or you can speak with God and evoke God's Spirit. God's spirit may be a woman or a man's voice. but i want you to bring your voice also so that the first voice is present and your voice is speaking in the Presence of God the first voice this time. how would you know that is you? when you transpire do you see the ghost of yourself or is it because you hear and know the spirit to be among you who are in the Essence of God the Pool of Life that is given to the holy ones on Hearth as it will be in Heaven. the Holy Ghost heals the body and the Soul and the Holy Spirit protects our Soul (Spirit in Body) in Spirit.

The Elements of Creation

 why are we still looking in the book of revelations for the answers of tomorrow, when the one that you look for had already fulfilled his destiny. if you would listen to the Voice of God then you would know that i Roger Grant was Jesus Christ the truth in spirit. the Voice of God is not only in the air, but in every direct Wind of God that speaks though you from Seven Elements of God that had separated this world for peace among the inhabitants. when there is wind (Breath of Life) there will be rain and bodies of water and when there is fire then bodies land will be separated into continents that are divided into countries that have gardens centers that have Trees of Life and Death; Light and Darkness; the element of our own Family Tree that lives today. 

i am the Word of God

i Roger Grant am the Spirit of Truth and their is no other way to Heaven but through Me

 we are at the center of the under root; the belly of the serpent that had eaten this earth twice within for the forgiveness of sin to be taken from Allah Who is Our Savior the Prophet Muhammed Who is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ the Madhi, as i am the reincarnation of the Prophet Muhammed and the resurrection of Jesus Christ Who is also Buddha, Allah, and God. i have been the incarnation of Buddha Who is The Buddha and its Day of Rest that hope to continue into tomorrow. you are the field of hope to what governs Heaven above and below with the Angels. we are the image of our neighbors that had protected us as we protect them when we are needed or are in need.  

Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Wrath of God is Now and Forever More

 when one doctrine proclaims the light then the light becomes the order of its own source the true order of all truths that can not be disputed by another place that had conquered itself proclaiming what was theirs to only ours on earth. do not enter or associate in another's prophecy that has true sight in spirit that always returns. and if we had given you this insight then don't abuse the times that we hold separate. and never stand out in front of another who comes without knowing that someone else had laid thier seeds into a field of adultery that the husband only knew for himself.

Listen to Me and God will be with You

 these words are not intended to stone anyone or to consume anyone with fire who has stoned another Servant of God to death. although i have written my account in English it is created for other worlds to listen to this story. and as we have done before in the past we have denied God over and over and found the same love that was given to us long ago was also given to another world on the outside. and because we do not listen to God at the beginning we end up destroying each other. do not take from this supplement if you cannot add your own words to what i Roger Grant have said or to the Words of God that i have written for all in the Audience of Spirit to listen and be heard will be crushed underneath the dust of earth where sin is the last to rise with the dead. for what is sacred can not given to you; the right to take or to become but i will give you a path that i had taken. a path or journey that those before Me had taken with God.

Authority of Man Has Been Given to God's Creation

 when we are different than what we argue over then we should also know not to attack the whole body but to only what had sinned, to separate something that will be united is to eat the whole Body of God's sin and not to let sin eat the flesh of our own body.

The First Sign of the Creature and Birds

 as two different ant colonies moving side by side in a line. one was going north and the other was going south and at the end of each line, there were two or three birds at each end taking turns eating each ant as they reached the end of thier line.

Friday, September 8, 2023

The First God of Heaven Wore a Dress

 their mightiest warlord was defeated by Me Roger Grant who had let the enemy strike twice before we destroyed. the do not have a planet and would like to stay close to those who hate Me without a reason or a time that ever quits. there day will be an everlasting cycle of ones owns grace torn apart from the first of it Heaven that thought a second would be better than the first. they have been dead for many years and still believe that they are alive. thier hand is never the hand of God but a hand in deception that has taken the world as its own and had given destruction to thier own race and children that would never fight the great generals of our time that gain two Heavens from one season, a gift of God to us on earth as it becomes a new Heaven and a new market that opens the day in Heaven above to those who were lost in a flood that but given a place were the King of Heaven creates for His children a Tower of Babel so that we could live in that day that floods all the Merchants of Heaven away back to thier own place. where they will be getting more than our portion of gold that ships carried from there unto here daily in exchange for there own wealth to be taken back to where they would sell and prostitute our women that never seen a man's hand in marriage for she was promised to another man, and they would get rich from corner to corner knowing that her husband still lived on earth. and her day became pregnant and they took Her out into the market to stone Her. but the one that was going to be stoned was one who reminded Me of a virgin birth that had to be forgiven for the hard life that God had put an innocent woman through, who would cast this first stone if no man shall sin again through her own child at birth. 

The Spirit of God is Dominant Over Life

Those Who Keep Order Will Have Dominion Over Elements Have Dominion Over Life

 and as you know to have God within us is to have advantage to what it was in us that would dictates over us to have God within us so that we would dominates all life on earth that are in and within us to be as life that is within us shall become dominion overall life as we who are in flesh and spirit will have dominion over the stars above. and only truth in the spirit of God shall speak good things that we trust and all good things will be revealed when we become as god-like to our children as God had done so to us on earth. then we understand that what was given inside us shall become new and shall be heard for thousands of years to come for good is in everything living, good is in everything that had life, good is in you even unto your death, good is the spirit within you. who are within us all. Amen.

and those who die because another had dominion over thier life had been given substance that brought life to them when they needed it. and to all life in creation if the field shall grow abundant with vegetation, so shall the animal kingdom grow in abundance and if the animal kingdom shall be abundant then man will grow abundantly overcoming the land that shall always bare plenty for us to eat the substance of God's creation to all living beings having dominion over every living creature that God has given life will dominate for those reasons that continue to grew with each other in harmony as procreation set all life unto the elements that were before man and before every living being could breath.

The Second Spell of Displacement

 the day of March no day should leave before i had given another Spell unto those who understand that not one but two days will come at hand and everyday that we find ourselves in elements that have taken the true sun away and others that had dried the desert air so hot that we had to give this time to what was wise and newly strong to be the hand of God that destroys them all. in one hand i hold God's working heart upon those who fail the time of their return the will be scorched like earth and bitten in desert heat that once we leave we will come in three. and this will be the hope of God's creations set from one foundation unto the other and the mother and child baring children of God's fruit that hears each one crying out in the wilderness that was carved out by Roger Grant who had the wisdom to know God and the Words that transpire in the near future for hundreds of years and let this time spread out its wings to SAVE OUR OWN CHILDREN THAT MUST NOT SUFFER to what is to come of this day? and will be in the same day that i have chosen and from here so shall i go fro and into the afterworld and when i return upon these people that had tried to take what was our own children's blessing to be their own lie that would destroy this world once again so that they would be in captivity to another fallen race that had died and never knew God had existed. but i spare them from this place that no God can withstand or suffer. their page had already flipped and we were there waiting. and God will bring forth the Angels of the Mots High and heal the lost one to be found and will raise up a tower unto one who had opened a time zone and a place to hide within God's wing that flies as high as a mountain top with wing and those who had fixed two heavens will become the last to return. Amen. God said to wait inside the wing of the evening and wait until June to be given a speared tail and a sharp tongue that destroys the third coming of abominations, and those mountain tops had 200 million saints of the most high upon it that would save the day so that they would return Heroes, of a time that it would take a mountain that moved and tore a valley in between the two great mountains where our DMZ out in Heaven becomes hidden and under two Greater Dragons that were called ROK or ROC  stood so abundantly pure with Russia on their side so that the mountain tops became wise with white hair that appeared as the Clouds of Angels descend upon a time that could not stop the rain from falling down but still will know Clear Creedence Water Survival given to a Magician that  will see the world as we once knew it today.

The Body of God that Stands

 what is more important than the Word of God? is is God, what about our children? is it more important. what about a church? is that more important? can a man disgrace them words? they are just sticks and stones that break the bones of God's everlasting body and if your bones be  broken the your House will never stand. and if you can not stand in that day in Roger Grant's resurrection that stands alone the Body of God upright. and if that church is not upright then that of man that bears children which was saved will be disgraced and ever stone shall be taken from its place and thrown down unto earth where God has chosen Me to make what wrong into right. and what was to be the Word of God is to be the one that i had sent in flesh to the spirit of Christ that had no broken bones until now. one has forgotten that the church is God's promise revealed to all cornerstones on earth as it is in Heaven to be our only foundation that stands up on earth as it does in Heaven. stop using the Word of God as stones that were cast upon our own House and Children that hold on to those who do good will speak good only about this day that was given to all who believe that the spirit is like a cane that stands Us up  and able for every word that we speak we speak for God and not for anything other than our  mothers and children.

The Church, Tree, and Horn of Angels

 during the first horn blown the first church (truth) had fallen and all of the inhabitants of earth spoke a different language but that which will be fulfilled in knowledge to what was written in other languages was also written from  the same finger of God that was Heavenly and Voice of God's second church (wisdom) that spoke with the first church that had fallen and was bearing the seed of the first tree that had fallen before the third Church would become a hybrid of the first (truth) and second (wisdom) tree that was giving birth to a new Heaven that was  is and will become the tree of knowledge as the third horn would signal the first and second harvests in one season gathered to this new church of knowledge for the fourth horn to blow for a marriage given to the first and the last tree of righteousness and knowledge to lay down seeds of life and death that would be a third and fourth church of all saints. the fifth tree is life the living Church of God that healed from the wound of Gods fifth day in return or the Churches of life and death was the under root of the tree of Heaven that have given the seeds of All creation to its own world (garden) that will have the same seeds that will be saved for tomorrow and the sixth is also the seventh horn and church that must rise from death unto life from this tree that we all had eaten from that of the same flesh and Heaven that became the church Body and Christ. and when the last horn had blown the lord rested under a tree that grew back again as the church of wisdom and truth drew nigh to their children who were the seven horns of God's judgment and that last of God's creation on the fifth and sixth day when the spirit of truth and wisdom became one in flesh and spirit.

we are still in the fifth day of God's creation

The Word of God; a Promise that Will Come to Pass

 as i walk among the hidden earth i watch only those who entirely corrupted that they could not do any good in the eyes of God nor in the eyes of those who are going the succeed for their gift of life that has granted us everyday of ourselves to paradise when we would believe in our Chosen Elect of God who are people like Me and you, Who are also God an image of God's success given to all who believe that i Roger Ramos Grant had walked in hidden forest among every creature that God had created from corruption to uncorruptible in nature from the spirit to our own creation that what we have sinned against is also a part of the healing in what was given from our own skin and given to all i owe. If you sinned in this world and was not forgiven the it will always  carry on into the next life so that what was in order can be freed, and those who are never returning to earth shall separate in spirit and in flesh never returning to Heaven on Earth.

The Meek Shall Inherit This Earth and Rule Together

 when is a man never to stand again. is it when they have done wrong and still fight because of there actions by trying to make people think that they are right. and when people like these who have money and never ever want to be known as a liar so they speak lies about the one they had tried to kill as if he was a murderer or some who had done them wrong. when they were the ones that had stolen all of this man's money a made him out to be a evil so that everyone would look at him in a bad way. the had sent this man to Hell without anyway of  getting out. they even broke up this man's marriage and killed his fiancé. when the time was to also kill Me and my ex wife and children to make it look like a homicide/suicide the people had done to Me what they had done to Lazurus. but it is of their consequence that they had done to put themselves in Hell and in harms way. ta rich man knows where thier money will be is what will make a rich man harder to enter into Heaven. but it is that rich man's responsibility to maintain that money on earth until thier whole family returns and maintains the money as this one shall enter into Heaven and the return upon earth with thier family.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

1/5 Day is a Gate of Heaven that protects the 1/4 and 1/3

 the new fence is a comfort between Heaven and God's day given, Mexico you were the fifth Heaven and the gave us a chance to redeem ourselves so you let us become the fifth Heaven and in turn you became  fourth Heaven as to know your days of margin had became as one in Spirit and the four years wait that it had taken for your Heaven to reach to the other side in Mesopotamia given back to one marriage. for us to understand this marriage it is of two different place that were in the same world under the same roof behind the same fence that it takes for both sides open up for each other when something has gone wrong and that would the only way to contain a gross invasion of two Heavens that make good neighbors and partners in business.

The River Ways

 now that the rivers have dried up will make canals we will bridge rivers and we'll bring water to empty spaces. places of depth will call concern fill the rocks around the pool build modest and subsequential  power from ;lake to lake and let the sea within or Gates of Tiamat that opens at every sea port and maritime law that governs the outer space as well. that bring in values of all kinds of all prices that bring bargains to every hunter.

Lord Krishna was born on Ashatmi Tithi

Lord Krishna was born on Ashatmi Tithi. Rohini Nakshatra will start on September 6 at 09:20 AM and it will conclude on September 7 till 10:25 AM.

The One in Doubt is Left Out

the dead will not see or hear Me speak, they only assume that the things that i say. they are without Heaven where they once knew to be their own ,when no one was there, but we were always there. they just never heard Us or seen Us.

The Father of Gods

 the Heaven will shake in this day for Zues who is the Son of Man and this day will be given to those who believe that He have given Me the power to rule the Heavens for God who is now born of God's own blood in Greece will be given a blessing and a Heaven when He returns.

The True Religion of God is with Your Wife

 my Father in Heaven was Zeus and i never told you who to worship, and i will never will, because its entirely up to your wife. if your wife is a Catholic then you are Catholic or if one could be the voice of two religion that come together. this will be a branch of your wife's tree that is grafted in your own Tree of Life.

The Suffering of Our Own Ancestors Give Us Hell

who has given to us without making their own time present?  our Ancestors are the ones that had given to us a place that we can call our own. and those who thought that they were the kings of earth found out that they were trespassers in faith, time, and in spirit, they treated thier neighbors like they wanted to be treated, so God had given them to death and suffering. and the ones who reached out to them will join them in burning in the Fires of Tartarus where thier tree was also thrown into for fighting the Father of Heaven. and if our Ancestors forgiven us then we would live as they intended for us to do so on Hearth as well as it in Heaven.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The First Time Hidden is Given to its Own

 the Thunder of Heaven is not over and every big boom we hear in season is another expansion here into the forward; a place where the Mother God is on our side and changing the future for us together so that We will have a path that God had chosen us to take. this is a path given to God's will for Her children to know it will be Okay tomorrow. 

The Light of this World

this day comes with great guilt and conscience that may only do God right. and those who were greater than God's light had grown dim and them died out. there no time or chance that is given to them they had died by trying to fight God who is our protector. and those  who tried to fight God are not Angels because any Angel that served God has ruled beside God. But those who are new and are trying to know God would be an insult to us on earth who know God, fear God, and Rejoice in God to know an everlasting God that does not change, so how do i think of that as a lie when you say Lucifer leads a bunch of rebel Angels, that would be a lie because i know Lucifer and i had done that same as Lucifer had done. i became the Most High. He is my twin brother in the Morning and Evening sky and no one should be able to know what was sealed in the beginning until i Jesus Christ will revel the hidden secrets of this end time. and if you would say I  know what will happen in the end of times then you would  be lying because it is of Heavenly origin.

The Death of Light

 the Rapture is not for the good that they should see God, we will not even know because it will be instantaneous; like a blink of a eye and we would be taken of this earth and place in another that had us there already at the same time in the same time. but those who didn't make it in the Rapture will hear a loud boom and the sun the moon and the stars will taken out of their place and they see darkness for 92 days before they will see the setting of our sun and then the Lord will bring us back unto that day and time we left as if nothing ever happened as darkness and light rule together again when we will say "Let there be Light and there was light in absence of all darkness. and those who would let light shine would be destroyed for the day that was to come for them who was hiding in the dark, acting like angels of light when all were in darkness although you could see a light, God created a greater light that ruled the Heavens. and the light was the Light of Christ that spoken and entered inside us who believed in God and who kept this from burning out. and now that our light can no longer seen because those who that they were greater were withholding the light from us who have saved the truth for ourselves but did not know God had been beside them through light and darkness and for those who will come in peace i will give this treasure with you.

The Repentance of Incorruptible Beings

 we all are born innocent in the eyes of God. but it is God that knows our true self, and those who were born of sin were born of the dust of this earth knowing sin but doing good in the eyes of God. you are only a sinner if you have not been forgiven by the one you had sinned against. and if that was the only person you have sinned against and you repent to them then you are no longer a sinner. but innocent in all corruption that had led you to the past. we are only born of sin if we were once a sinner but have changed, so therefore you were born of sin without corruption. in other words, sin made you renew yourself unto God,

We All Stand In Sight of God

 the darkness of everyone who hides within our hearts a lie to our own heart that's more empathetic, because we are of people who were and are the chosen ones of Heaven, and your angry heart makes a bad catalyst for peace. and those who still disbelieve and lie to someone else about their own perception will be aimed at never returning the sight of their blessing as one of your pupils get to judge you alone in the eye of God. and those who are with God will receive their reward in Heaven for this day could not be done alone, but with all the inhabitants of this world.

The True Persecutor of Heaven is Jealousy

 who can stand on that great day of cleansing (judgment) Who can say that i was perfect in all ways. no one will sit in the Father's throne, but the Son of Man. are we greater than one who has given their life for us who does good and evil but dies while paying the price. then those who are overbearing will pay that price that they had given to righteous people who cared for others as we cared fro them who persecuted in both realms and stand persurcuted tomorrow. 

The Great Day of Judgement

 those who will stand in Judgement of God will be redeemed. this is a day that God will cleanse everyone. and as that day becomes renewed we all become renewed. and those who are left fighting will not be cleansed anymore. and their fruit is of the fruit of righteousness will go dark and even darker to a place that they once knew. place that they had dug so deep that they could not get themselves out of.

The Great Day of Judgment had occurred three two four years ago.

and will come when we least expect it.

Monday, September 4, 2023

The Holy Spirit of God Comes Down Upon You

 the Force of God's Spirit compels many to think that they are God when they have been against God's teaching they will persecute the church the bible and the Roger for being and hand of God and helper. they open their own heart to God and close it to others who try to learn about God, their day will be given a time and a number that fills everyone's hand but their own to know that what is pulled from their own Heaven above will be the tree that they belong to, the tree without anyfriuts of God is a dead tree. 

Honor Your Mother and Father on Earth

Serve No Other House But Your Own

 when we make our own house we stop looking at others as our own and those who hate serving others in their own home will serve only God's will; which is our will that can enter into other houses that are holy until the second death. when evil becomes the power of God given to Me and through Me you will share in God's glory. share in God's new world order that what was serving Good Only was evil at first and what was evil had become good so that those who think they are evil and do still do wrong will know true evil or the reaction of sin and that belongs to God alone. but those who have fought with Me will receive equal rights in the land of God's repossession. and we will share the same assembly with the Holy of Angels and a higher rank of God's renown. who would stop others from sinning against us and will never look into our own selves through sacrifice? these are selfless protectors of peace only and should never be unrewarded. 

Holy is An Angel with blood on their sword!

Life in the Garden of Sin

 the Kingdom is like a body; healthy and able. but was struck old and needed a cane. so that two may become and still tend to the fruit. and i Roger Grant who has been the Gardener and the Shepherd; have known the Blood of Able had killed this earth, but Cane is my Son, and you all have wronged Roger and fought with God so that you knew i could never lose or become a second to none. All my Angels had known this from the start, "and who then conquers Heaven after that?" said the Devil. who is Mr. D. (Robert)

Rank of All Angels in Our Kingdom

 how do you classify Angels? good or evil. how do you know the rank of Angels? i Roger Grant being the highest Angel of God's Kingdom had announced in Kingdom's Hall where the presence of All Angels is the seat of God's children. i asked what is the rank of Angels? and i said let it be given to age. there was a complete vote on what i said. so it is the Age of Angels that makes your rank in Heaven or on earth and the Father of Heaven is the weaker than the Four Beast.

The Beast of God's Garden

Honor Your Family as God

i had come to a mid point where God had given to us the last time that would given. as we all know that we have came back from the grave and are new in body that was the same as before but will never be the same after that. in mid life crisis think, "God had been given this inspiration to change wisdom into truth or mystery into history. there is no set time or our origin that calculates a name or life time within history that changes the world as we know it to become what was again if we don't keep changing our world or growing in universal structure to what was changed. and if we die anytime for religion let it be for each others heart that could not be found in ones heart inspired to hate, so destruction was given to them that never had a hand in creation and only wanted to destroy our own way of life. said Sinfield. every name in the book of life is a grave stone marked by God's burial. please do not curse any one of them who had died and had already conquered death. and at the same time they are the ones who act like demons with no principality or authority when they are only unclean spirits, and who are people that we knew in life before to they had died and not Demons that people had once thought suffered them. but people who were jealous, because they do not know us in life. they are the ones that haunt good people when they could be helping people out of problems but because they are afraid of being judged in the afterlife they will fall in a chasm of fire and be restored in the underworld if God willing. but those who keep cursing good people while they are dead are really cursing their own family tree. and when that tree produces no fruit it will wither and be thrown into the fire of life were everything is freely renewed. 

Sunday, September 3, 2023

The First House of God Renewed

 before the darkest night would swallow the day the time stood still and offer us up unto God and said for this universe will not open until the time that we would reawaken with all the Gods that had been before and after us who understand that we who judged all will become new and those who were judges will be given a clear conscience and a new time that would come together and become one family in Heaven. we will be saved and taken from our identity or common name that is in Heaven and on Earth and be given a new name that only Heaven will know. and those who are not written in the Book of Life will be forgotten forever. and those who are swallowed up by the Great Dragon that eats from the belly of a serpent as wisdom eats from the dust man outreaching up unto Heaven crying out to Heaven for truth that had been swallowed by wisdom in ones day of night.

The Corners of this Kingdom

 Jay is the holder of the King Christ that will return and return among our creation today this the first of many days to be created from Here North West Heaven. everyone of us should return for a event like this to open every corner into a Kingdom of God.

The Lost Sheep of The God's Fold

 there is a time when nothing will ever matter to you except to fulfill your heart's desire. and those who have been fighting with God will truly see God's punishment without their awareness. God will make them think everything that they are doing is right. God will even make everyone around see the same thing the same lie and feel the heart of those who are wrong and still think that they are right. it is of a long and prior but strange ruling class that had secretly formed a lie to fool the people into believing that they were God and that we served them without knowing their lies formed an Image of God that we should worship and all put one knee down in reverence. thus the great revolution began and i Roger Grant had taken it upon myself to find that one lost sheep to complete the one Shepherd's fold and found nothing but suffering that do us apart from flesh and the spirit that was invoked in Me. 

 for this curse was upon this earth for so long that thus, no one could see right through it clearly. and those who were persecuted will find their day in Heaven among the stars of stars rising up at night but those who fight Me still today after we had won the war in Heaven will be flattened pinned and needed for the flesh of fires that rises together and only the holy will rise up this day and take a stand, and feed the Bread of Roger Grant to those who are hungry and are in need of shelter in God's arms at this time. they will say look for this one person and question them whether or not they do good. make an example of those who are to become like Christ but judged alike to death at their coming. 

"No one is hated more than he who speaks the truth" ~Plato

The Glutton and "Boy Who Yells Wolf"

 when one calm enters the storm no voice can be heard within the raging winds about you to scatter straw or to burn it all in the ecosystem ...