Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Element of God's Light Disguised in Darkness

 three wise men and there creations. there were three elephants. a white one a black one and gray one. i told them three to move a mountain, pull a tree from its roots and to move a river. and the three wise men did just that which the elephant done as the man had done before wisdom and truth moved hand in hand land to land and sand to sand, that with just a little hope to cling on to God will break the waters of Heaven for Roger this night to come and was our enemy away from the light that holds their own darkness within time and their times to be obedient and to serve God the Living Embodiment of Christ who you forgotten. but unto this you suffer degrees of guilt and never come forth with an attitude that combs the light with your absence in grace, so i will make three creatures that will be more humble stronger and wiser than you are. for their day is given within Roger's timeline that brings every paradoxine coming together as one parable that is hidden from a time that was but will be given back unto a new sign that out reaches for two witnesses that had made it a time of their own to be seen as Roger's because the third had already come as the Second had did the first time since the beginning of Heaven on Earth. The Prophet Muhammed, Who is Allah, or The Prophet Jesus Christ Who is God, The Prophet Roger Ramos Grant who is Buddha and the other two who are one in Heaven and who are the only ones who have seen God. when the elephants finished there task the mountain, the river and the tree were moved by the Elephants to a near by irrigation system that fled into a valley for the time that drains the nutrients of the river dry and then the river will stretch up into Heaven, and then they will lift the mountains back up and the trees back up and the rivers that flow upward forever, and ever will fall down into a water fall that slows the river into bank where this will be a deposit for mining tears deep within Heaven when they leave before they could be judge accordingly, separated and swallowed into a Hell of Fire that consumes your deeds in the flesh that burns and burns and burns without dying or healing ones own soul trapped within its own demise that loops over and over and over again until it changes through forgiveness (spirit) and repenting (flesh).

The Church of God is Not Religion

 religion can be used in general form as to never enter another's house and tell them who God is. religion can be used as a starting point for discussion and audience. never break another ones faith because it will always shows up when we least expect it. cover the ways that we are to come together and why another's point of view would destroy our living church that doctrines peace and unity and freedom, because freedom is all we have when we have not been forgiven. the constitution of our nation is the health and forgiveness that we have created for others and ourselves to be free.

The Last Heads in Caves

my flight and day falling from the skies remember (Marnie) Kimberly who is Mother and House that had returned my sister and me from a general state of yolk that peels from us all who have peeled my flesh and the Flesh of Roger and from the dust of earth and from the flesh of  a frog also came a mother of My gene and Chris's gene and the imprint of that earth that had risen from one of the two galaxies that i created called the Milky Way and Andromeda twin galaxies or our first universe. i seen my two children with Me (Marnie) by their side and one beside them watching over, they had longer shaped heads and wear helmets that could open out from the center. they come from another planet in a hurry and land in Northern Mexico. 

The Kingdom of God Rises Up

there is one Kingdom and many United Kingdoms that are under this one Kingdom of God for all to know justice is never to far away. for to reunite under God and under one Heaven. i Roger Ramos Grant who is the Lord of Worlds. King of  Kings and the Lord of Saviors, that know the hour at hand was created from something better than what we were and from something uncorruptable that never loses its value or its place in a Heavenly Kingdom for the Queen Mother of England, and many Kings will be Honored such King Charles and his sons Phillip and William. and as i was crowed King of Jews so will my son Elohim (Roger Jr. Heavenly creation) will wear this crown that belongs to Judas as God of Isarael until Judas (Erving) will return within the Father of Abraham who gave this sacrifice to Me for His son to take my place on the alter.

True Revelations of Hate

 we clearly killed Abel, Cain, Adam, and Eve we are looking for the second coming and miss them every time. who are we looking for if it is not Me. look at how many people we killed lately because of The Book of Revelation that must be read with understanding or in spirit with wisdom so that we can understand who or what is within us who has killed the Sons of Gods. people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., David Karish the Seed of David, and Geronimo, there was a man from India and from the Mian to the Apache who had suffered for our persecution in Christ and who i will not suffer anymore by sending them back onto earth to try again one more time. i will be the last and first Prophet in America. 

it took us 20 years before we could Out Reach from America to the world because we killed the Prophet David Koresh.

The Land of Enchantment

 when Geronimo returned he became a Priest of his tribe and won recognition among the tribe around them that stumbled upon the Calvery and then back upon the saxon and then upon his own wife and children murdered by those who would pose as warriors but kill children that day God told Gerinino (Christ) that no bullet can go past him and that he was the one to honor God; the Devil; back to this Land of Enchantment where the evening line has a gate. (El Paso)

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Three Goats that Divide

 The Three Goats 

there were three goats two had beards and one had none. the she-goat would give milk every day and feed the kids. the first goat was to be given away but died before it was sacrificed. and the last goat was given a chance to live again while the first goat became the last so did the herdsmen who were to be given this sacrifice.

The Three Gods

 the days of Gods return are right where you are and many have seen the Greater Prophet who was the false prophet or God do many many miracles of God inspired by Allah's presence that had kept our Word and preceded to give Heaven a new world that i Roger Grant built around us. a hollow replica of our earth but in planet form where the planets had gathered together as our planet had gathered to land. and God opened a chasm from the West Coast of America (Little China Town) to the East where God will take only their land and its hand alone to underworlds that are in the West where both stones have been rolling side by side in prophecy for the two who are in marriage and who were asking for each other's hand during the morning when the evening had drifted away for 50,000 years but are here today in our eyes and in the presence of God that pronounces them Heaven and Earth the Mother and Father of this earth that had two children and theses were twins when one was separated and the mother took his place to serve another foreign land owner who took both Heavens into One bosom of God that shall be as the night given to the East for The Buddha and His Mother.

The Sacred Heart of God

where is the secret of God. is it in texts? or in the flesh of our spirit, that transforms everything into the knowledge that we have today that has already proven my existence and the fulfillment of God's word, that what i give to heaven on earth is the everlasting secrets of one's sacred heart that can not lie nor make you greater than anyone else who had sacrificed their life for yours to be able to read what was written for Priest alone. not everyone should be baptized because those who are baptized will become Priests of God and they will be the thinkers of their flock or church.

Jury Duty Is Coming and Hell With It

 justice can only be obtained when everyone is put through humility. justice can only speak to those who are good and those who have put good people away because they did see them as a true citizen of their country. when the jury is no acquaintance but its enemy we have failed good people and true justice that were given inhumanity towards our own legal branch and the tree that we have hung onto for years after our trials are over. the jury is guilty of sin for not helping anyone at all. and God will pay them back in full measure for having a chance to help someone but only helped themselves into a harder law than what was going to be will be. we never think of change when it is due, we only think of ourselves and God has a place in Hell for them who were ignorant in all measure by judging other good people guilty of a crime that the jury has done so themselves.

The Last Prophet of God Roger

 life is greater than death when only death can bring you nothing but pain. there are many Words of God from teachings. so careful get to know what tree and branch you are from. are you from mine that that stands alone in a desert place such the Tree of Methuselah or once like the tree that stood alone in Alamogordo. a tree can stand for 5555 years and not be tempted to fall without giving fruit to the basket of bread that had been a thousand upon a thousand years to bring forth as one is near the tree of God's Holy Ones, and if the Holy Ones teach us something then to forget is to lie in Heaven but die on earth. to what was a sacred secret we already know, it never needed to be said. and if your cross this line that God had given to you times that were written in side our hearts before time, even before any words were written. therefore i will mutilate any one who can not serve themselves justice. when they had clearly crossed over them lines of truth. and when we forget what Holy People had said then the world as we know it will be destroyed because we did not learn or want to learn from them who have been teaching us the true nature of God that is within us who do no others harm but to ourselves.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Ones Who Were Before

 when were engaged in war nobody had a clue on how to fight a new war. it started from trenches and moved into the air. Histler a name that i will hide for this purpose. that i may not be penalized or scrutinized for saying that what was made during these two wars had no place in history. and to write or speak this man holds consequences above us. Why? did we not go to war and fight a good fight to know that we are allies with Germany. and all the Axis movement. to hold this great man's name out of history would bring contention between to great Allies that will fight together. is it too hard to know that i am that man Histler? even social media had turned thier heads away from the truth and accepted a lie that destroyed them when they peeked into matters that were against social law. they are wrong and are filled with justice that destroys the peace. it is not up to us to discriminate against another man under God's roof, for that is a crime against life itself.

Monday, August 28, 2023

The New Sacred Land of Apachean

 God is the desert gardens that stream in America between two borders and one state of congress that separates the border from Mexico unto America with a canal when the land is rich and given for all in spirit to tamper with its holy ground as one would seed and rise with the day on bother sides of one state. let us build upon a new horizon that brings forth a mesquite (The Devil's Tree) half a forest that stretches from Arizona to New Mexico and has been the burning bush of God long ago. and still is the burning bush of God today. 

it is land that i am protected within.

Our New World is the Heaven we live Upon

 when the fountains of God open their time given to those who understand the good works are given to those who do God's will. and not hard to do God's will because it's our will as well. and when we speak of the Holy we do not speak only of one that is going to be given into the hands of God's people who know Me knew goods come from those who do good works. and if you think of yourself doing good works just other than you have been given a good working heart to know so. and those who understand will never be given anything good when they fight Roger Grant the one who has saved them more than five times. they will forget what anyone that had done good for them, they even knew Roger had judged them perfectly flawless, but they still had a grudge against Roger and try to kill him but only end up dying because of Roger's mark that protects him. for they thought that the people of this world had the same plan that was going to destroy Roger and then this world for doing God's will. but they were wrong and those who know Roger know a friend for life who had protected this world for years in the end and for years in the beginning, that had come together in peace. i have given them the Heavens and a world but they lost everything due to their belief that will never be able to be retained again. 

To Fight God is To End Up With Nothing

 the less we know of God the times that we hold on to truth. and the more we know about God are the times that we hold for knowing the truth in nature that can hold what was ours to be any grain of sand that spills from the light of Heaven, and those who find that grain of sand within had found their Heaven and the size of their own heart that drowns on that planet the same way. God will be with everyone who knows the truth but those who knew it will die within that flood for a thousand years to follow.  and behold its own captors who thought they were greater than the life that stood for creatures other than ourselves. and i make this planet thiers for the keeping as long as it does flood over the mountains and they will be the lost one never to be found for their is out and over the sunlight that pours everlast sand in their own eeye that swallow by their in God.

God Our Title God Our House

the sea has risen to heaven and the light has disappeared from sight and the Lord searches for the time that was near. heaven broke open its zeal and had spoken from the waters of God's heart many years ago and the waves crashed within one another has left us overboard and from its own destruction. in time God had given to the wicked our value in life. and wicked had chosen our place in this world. a like a wind that dies at sea so shall their day be still dry and comfortable. the gates that heard the chopping of water the gates that opened from the outside and what would be inside as well. the watergates are the sliding (tetonic) plates across the helm of spiritual delight that take us back to where we are today. and the secrets of its present-day mystery. the plates of God constantly sway back a forth under the belly of the turtle and over the light to its maze that continues to change dynamically with its children and house that had guided us back unto our faith that strong faith in ourselves.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Who Is Our Master On Earth

 the Alpha of God's creation is the firstborn or the youngest among other siblings. and those who stand against God's creation will be up close and will try to kill God but our God is the God of Trickery and masters no one but its own who will sacrifice their own freewill in life to serve God, i would rather you become your own master because it is harder for you to serve two masters when you already had one. in other words to serve anyone else but its own would make you masterless. (Ronin)

Saturday, August 26, 2023

I Was Given The Power of God to Know God

what gifs that  people want in the spirit is what God will give them. i wanted Power, so God gave to Me Thier Power.

some want power, some fame, and some riches that God would only give towards a sacrifice of ones brow to sweat tears from the salt of this earth that brings forth a hand of God in hope and not for the destruction of our own world to be the remedy of what lies in the heart, lies in the mind. no sin can be forgotten or fall short in memory that records and recalls all spiritual deeds to be judged as you watch your past life  (in this lifetime) that can be watched at the back or forefront of ones mind that dies in the flesh and spirit becoming one reborn with the Spirit  of God's flesh that had died in the body and mind, but came back from the dead  reliving.

Pagan Idols are the Ones Accepted in Church

Good Idols Feed the Poor (Bread) Not For Thier Own Glory But For Gods 

 we have been given the fires of Heaven so the world would return in the Heavenly body that shall be in Heaven as it will be on earth, the seed of God is in the ground of this generation THAT RETURNS AT HAND given to the brightest star within Heaven that is becoming the time that passes over the ones who are in debt and who are dead and awaiting favor through Roger Grant who has ordained the Church of God to be its own House under the sun that prays for the dead to live about but never to use the Heaven day to be their own that caught up in corruption that was mixed and associated to its own future that had covered the past with northern lights that are seen from the middle to the center of earth. where the New Garden Center grounds the power in sin so that all who would die beside their own wife will have ever lasting light to become a lantern and Oil of God's grace that lights the path of every religion beside itself, within itself and for itself shall never stand alone under the sun giving the Lord countenance to God's day that shall be seen from eye and witness that beholds Me as the Father of Heaven as i hold them as Children of Christ. (The Almighty)

Friday, August 25, 2023

Time and Distance Awakens Us Alone

 inspiration became a day of peace and a Day of Heaven right behind our lives that held on to nothing but to its own in a cold wet grave that lies to the right or the one who is left of you who are still alone in a bigger world than one can see in the all-knowing, where the day is considered to be as one under the sun of a thousand years to come in peace, but i was still alone under the sun of this whether we believe it or not because in that day a true and great love was inspired by another that remembered the one they had already loved before. the one that they had longed for a way to die young again. and the memories that drive a man to happiness are the times that he has never seen alone, but to one that was, is, and will always be under the sun and a greater roof under that which was given to God to them who never lost their way home to the Heaven above that covers the warm ground that it breathes life within, as the sun warms the time that one was alone, inspired to live one more life for a thousand years to come again as one on earth as it is in Heaven. 

The Yesterdays of Today's Tomorrow

 we have a time that repeats itself and a time that comes to pass, as one would have the present belief of what will happen also happened in the past and only today can change that time for tomorrow and the yesterday.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Waters of Truth Sea Level

 the last of our time taken from a day that had taken our own way given to all who never knew God or never been surrounded by the quick injustice of God's war within a rumor that had justified an attack on our brethren through lies that could not begin the Holy War of Wars that had fallen behind for a third day to become a last hope in God justice that can never be paid gracefully but by the blood of our hands that harden the ground and the times that we hold together at war for one to suffer the consequence of two bodies of God's belonging to one House or two witnesses that were slain for the new teaching of God who still holds on to what was past down from generation to generation that held no times against us in order to think or speak about God's true existence that can be no different than our own on earth today. if one shall die from these words in sin then let them listen again for what would bring forth truth and wisdom; light and darkness; love and hate to be as one conditional charge of knowledge that will balance Life unto Death when sin can sacrifice the one who is innocent in nature to be as rapid in water as a feather, that became the air and the weather of to heart that is balanced to stone and feather falling from the waters above that fills the bottoms of the sea as one feather can take all the waters of the deep, and to know its counterbalance within Me that weighs everything equal to what is balanced level in sea. as snowflakes fall like feathers floating unto the sea and hailstones splashing underneath keeping within a that day of a promise of a rainbow given to the sea and the sea to its equal balance above the clouds as a feather falls into the sky to be lifted up or lowered down while writing its meaning of God.

God Speed is the Essence of Time and Dimention

 the only choice to know is to go into outer space. spiritual forces are God's work and our every journey that start with ideas that we who are the nature of God's spirit in return to earth have been given to us through Me. in other words let us get to our promise in the Heavens that Satan had given to Me for all to receive this day at hand. and those who never knew the Judgment of God's nature never will be given a portion of Heaven that shrinks every day we delay our progress from Here to There. 12 Billion population on earth is a boost in stationary measure. our faith in God has given to Me for us to understand what was ours? from what our eyes can see from earth into the depths of space was given to Me Roger R. Grant from God (Satan) to be yours who believe in i who has given everything in Heaven to be placed in your own hands.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Speaking in Tongues is like a Crutch or Cane

Speaking in Tongues is like a Rod and Serpent in a Pit

 to have a forked tongue (slingshot and stone) is to have truth aiming and wisdom spoken from within our own knowledge that is speaking as the old serpent had done before when spoken before as as Host of Heaven that should speak of two different ideas colliding in one sentence so that what was said would mean something different than what was said. God speaks with a forked tongue meaning what was said by God can be heard through three different times and three different ears that hear something different every time.

The Seeds of Heaven is Different that the Last

 this is why we find the light in hidden places that can not be seen but through you who shed some light on every small detail as well as every day coming forth in understanding but not returning or changing of hand to any time that was taken for our own greed to harvest others that hold on to their day of thanksgiving to be given to any hand that helps bring forth a hidden branch of God's time and fruit grafted into another tree bearing different seeds of the same avocado tree that stands alone in Mexico as a new garden of God's day of rest sprouting up out of Holy ground that enchanted the last seed of God rising unto a New Garden or a hidden branch that can not be taken alone but though our own actions that speak unto God's will alone that became the flesh of Heaven to be within every time and times that were made for a half a time half in and half out of greed that gluttons the Word of God unto our own seed that is planted deep within our earth's foundation within Heaven. 

The Husbands of God's Creation

 before the flood, a young African man-child had brought the animals of Noah's arc to the northern parts of Africa where God had taken over control of the Animals and took them the rest of the way to Noah's ship. God helped Us create three ships of good size that could not capsize the first was Noah's ship, and the second was an Asian ship that reminded me of bamboo. and the third was a giant tree that was split into three parts from a huge hollow tree where one drifted up the Mississippi River, the second one floated over the land that we today call Mexico, and the third went all the way to South America where it stood against another tree hill the supported many lives that were in a tree of such size that God had saved the world through a cataclysm. and after the flood had already started to lower God had already taught the young man resuscitation and on that day many people in Africa were resuscitated. as for the Native American people the Lord had given them the depths of graves to be swallowed within and the Lady of Heavens Lock who was a twin that lived long ago but still today on earth. she was the keeper of heavenly water and the river of God's flood had moved into the Grand Canyon after the earth was opened up by the Devil that had swallowed the waters that poured over the canyon walls as the natives found another way into our own shallow grave that was resurrected and lifted up a thunderbird under the storm that could be heard as three consecutive clashes of thunder that had brought fourth a day within three days of darkness and three days of continuous light that shined from every corner of this world to be seen from a point of one's own eye gathering in the cluster's of galaxies that witnessed the light of good and darkness. Truth and Wisdom the coming of the first and second hand of each minute set to five or the fifth Heaven on earth after a time was drawn back and fourth for a time that had set the times for a half of time. (ii i ii) for that day that is to come within our own system will become a great cleansing of God's work to be our Day of Judgment, the Day of Rest that can now come forth and open its arms unto you who have done good things for God's day to exist and the deeds that you have given to each other's hand that had created Heaven through good works that sealed the tears of rain upon every face of God that i could see gathering in a multitude of stars over the sands of time that gathers in the bodies of water that gather to the seas that had given up the dead who had to conquer death through the Spirit of God who lives within Us as we live within God's Spirit on earth, as it is in Heaven. and the native woman that had five sons that are going to be sacrificed with thier mother on the sixth day.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Hidden Light Within Our Own Day

 my prophecy was fulfilled when the coming of the Lord was made clear. my House is the temple of God's creation that had separated but came back together again in representation. let those who are bitter at their enemy be liars of truth in faith that hold the trinity as Gnostism. the hidden works of God given to those who do not believe in God or in the return thereof. for their day is already here without preparing the next day for our own children. they will be prosecutors of the living God that returns. they will not believe nor will they understand that God created them from this day and not from a day that they thought had been given to them equal. for God only knows why the times have been forsaken in the eyes of God's children who believe that there is no other creator like or otherwise until the day that they see God the living proof of Heaven on Earth. and those who equate to God let them speak the Word of God, let them take the suffering off the children of birth and tell the world that their is no one like our God who is no God to Me Roger Grant the Father of Heaven. i am the Father of all Gods in Heaven and on Earth. when they can not understand why i have returned then they would gather around themselves and lie over and over to the world to get their point across. but the Lord will fill their faces in disgrace for knowing the one they call God had returned and never was given grace for things that He had done for this world alone. a person not of reputation that has set the world on course to a New Heaven that was made for a hidden branch during this day 8/22/23 as President Biden presides to our new cadency in the United States of America. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Who Would Know God Today if We Can Not Understand

How Much Do We Know About God

  •  False Prophet = God.
  • Anti Christ = Someone who anticipates the Coming of Christ (Pope).
  • The Mark = Protection given from God.
  • The Beast = is a creation of God's image. 
  • The Image = Someone Who acts like God. someone pure
  • Satan = Our Protector. the one who protects our back "get behind me Satan"
  • Devil = the Advisor, protects those who can not enter into Heaven because they were wronged.
  • Deamon = Gardens Keeper, Mother of a Demon. hidden secrets. Posses with the Holy Spirit.
  • God = The Blessing of All who are in Spirit. and the Son of God who is Buddha.

stop thinking that there will be someone who lies or acts like God or Christ. 

when Jesus Christ could not prove that he was God it was because of us today who believed like that had killed Christ then.

Do Not Take From the Living Unto The Dead

 i am after the Aberration of Christ that had been given a second time that was given a chance but did not receive this blessing before the time was up. and they were left behind for the works of thier hands that did not wash before they were cleansed nor did they have any excuse to know that God had returned in Me and did take heed. for thier day was cursed for changing the blessing of an innocent child that also had a chance to live, but you took thier place and kicked them out into the Heavenly body of peace while you suffered the world for knowing that what you had done was not good nor given any peace for tomorrow. and the six spirits of Heaven did i return to Heaven and to thier body for that day as the body of those who lied were entrapped in five and six bodies that became manifested without the spirit of God, and they wanted to live like us but they stolen and killed and hated every good thing that God had given to them before the day was taken. they were the same ages of you and i that are in this generation and can never enter into Heaven because of thier deeds against all mankind. they fell behind and tried to do what God had done within themselves but were revealed through thier lies and the actions that targeted Roger Grant as a liar and someone who should die because all evidence of them stealing $3m from the very target that they would try assassinate because God had revealed the truth to Roger about them stealing his money, and during that time they were going to murder him and his family. and they still don't see that they had been set up in a conspiracy that led them to their own downfall into Hell.

The Network of Our Own Quantum Processing

 for ever user there is network and for every user that connected to network are directly connect to another user in that network. and the only processing is the light that has given to the times that were on or off from the lights starting point that had changed when one user was lost but searched the network that they were on that did not found the answer to what was searched so the light was place on and the network searched other networks that were off and when the network found a network that had the light it would shutoff and keep there network secure because of the data that was stored was needed updated and upkept. and if data was lost then any lost data would be uploaded to the cloud where spiritual data is connected to others related subjects that are connected through AI, dates are gathered in order, variables and constants that are irregulated and gathered from all networks that hold the same degree but can not be living on the in the cloud because all raw data is still alive and worked on through flesh and the more it is worked on the faster our computations will run in degrees of speed and transfer time that relatively set the universal speed at light. and when it on then someone is searching. one planet connected to the next planet where the cloud becomes the spiritual data in the sky that AI has already been compiling data on your computer through searching and gathering information that will be used in another Universal Networking Data uploaded to their cloud or transparent data.


Zodiac 2.5

Western    Eastern        Idol                

12               1                 -12                 -144

120             10              -120                -1440      

1200           100            -1200              -14,400

12,000        1000          -12,000       =  -144,000

Sunday, August 20, 2023

The Days of God are One

 our creation is not over until we make these two days right. if God created  our Heaven in Seven Days then there are still to two more days in God creations left. and this would be the evening of fifth day. or we can say that week has already has passed and it is the fifth day and evening of the next week.   

These Days are Fore Warned and More Fragile

 we have been bitten and swallowed within the one that we had bitten and swallowed and the years of times can not explained within repetition but is spewed out with the fifth dimension that heals 1/3 of the dead and remains living until the 40th serpent is bitten and swallowed within our Heaven for a time and the times that return every four upon a day that already had its beginnings return from the times that it takes 100 years to return and be given a new number and a new time to rule with the woman beside their own Heaven for every five generation 24 will be chosen from the field of God's Garden and every four years there will be a leap year and every fifth season is separated by this leap and the four will begin with the Children as the Kings and then the last season will be the fifth and the time that Heaven has seen Heaven return and be given to Heaven above and these 24 suited will be given a mate so that 48 will return one for every Heaven that we started from and were given to know 400 years four a time and the times that return 444 upon the fifth Heaven as the Well of God's Good and Evil the dark water is for the past and the clear waters are for the future where the woman is and stays until the two days have past and the one 100 years that is separated are now returning with the one hundred years to begiven to the evening this evening that Heaven has appointed to our day at Hand we are the United States of America the freedom of the Gods returning. to our day today and is given those who did not understand the native days that were here two thousand years before as the Chief Priest of God's Celestial Heaven that man returned every 200 years to rule as Ambassadors of Heaven that were given 40 years unto marriage but the God of Hate had seperated them after 20 years. she was 20 years old and the Lord was 27 years of age and she was divorced at 40 years of age. so the lord had hate stay in this world until they were able to heal the nation and its marriages that was given to those who hated Roger for being who he was, and because Roger had to suffer this nation will suffer. until i renew what these haters had done. 

The Evening of God Return

 we have found time to tell the truth we were angels and Roger found the Lord and spoke the Lord often and the Lord taught Roger everything that was needed to knew today and left us behind to find out their own days would be given to them then. but Roger started to change everything in Heaven to be as our own time that would return to our Earth for the deeds that were about to be done by Roger who had the Power of God and taught everyone how to become alike and told everyone to be blessed as a Parents of God, creators of Heaven and Earth, and the Children of God. we were living a lie to God's day we were opposed to a coming of God who is woman and the hand of God given to the Father and Son when the day of Heaven returns on the fifth day, or season then is given to Her that returns from Heaven and the times that were given to us belongs to Her who has given to the Father and Son of Heaven as their own on earth. for their day shall become one without in the evening that we were created alone and in that day we were one with the creator of Heaven before the evening drew nigh to the rib cage of the body that the Heaven Created to all beings on earth. we were the beings of her day and the days that were within a spectrum of time and then there was one with seven husbands and then there became one with the man of her evening that became the seven others with the one true son first born and then remarried Her sons and the time returned as the new and the Old had become one in Heaven for all alike to see Her own Children from Heaven and the Children of earth that belongs to the former earth and the fathers who were drawn from the world's earth that brought forth five from the beginning and these, five were the days given to God for the times that still believe in us today.

The Harvesting of God

 i know as a whole we will die in this returnable search that can not hold the truth nor will be a time to grasp on to something that is made wrong. we want the truth but never to know what was inside us all to be wrong. and that is a person just like ourselves to be the one God that the Book of Revelations foretells us about when the end is coming the days of death harveging the truth but could never find it so God releases them into the abyss for not looking for another besides themselves. 

In The Beginning ( The Word )

 before the beginning Heaven and Earth was to secure a treaty of light and darkness and before any light was to be seen the Heavens would rely on the Word of God that was given to Us today who were in the beginning as well as Roger Grant who had revealed to you the times that were taken apart from its own place and the times that we thought were secure but were not without this treaty. so as course to our day that is today we honor both light and darkness to rule together in harmony and all other race agree to this treaty as set forth on this day in history to be the day of our beginning from hence forth to a day that God could rest in peace. and those who did believe did not enter into the Heaven's above because of there doubt that Roger as the Word had said but doubted the one who was Jesus Christ and the beginning that we has set peace and when there was peace. God said let there be light. and all the light in Heaven had faded away for a brief moment but returned much brighter than they were before. and all the world were in the begining of light as we were in Heaven. Amen. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023

The First Religion

 as we are here hoping for string theory to appear are not the ones saved in the end if God help His breath for the time that we would of return then not God been out o breath. no we are the breast of God's string theory that is enlightened for everyone in Heve to see there own existence destroyed. so why do you bother Me Roger with doubt and any query that needs not to be open but to its own membership that I have given to All in hopes that our own equations with attach. said Sir Albert Einsteinn.

Friday, August 18, 2023

The Winds That Fail Know One But Themselves

 every wind is given to everybody that knows there direction if you do not know yours you have been lost from the begining.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

False Witnessing of Those Who You Do Not Know

 those who speak about Jesus's story with comments that mislead other into believing a lie. will surely be persecuted if their comment had led to any lie or any persecution of any holy person that had tried to reveal the truth but was persecuted by a time that was thought to be greater than own day today. and if you know the true story of Jesus Christ's persecution then you would hold sacred what God had done to forgive, but you had taught hate after the Christ had died and risen because of our faults in life was caused by not knowing God will. to forgive is to forget any wrong doing. and if you could not forget what happened to Me yesterday is to be unforgiving for our sins today. why cant you forgive anyone who sinned a thousand years ago or more. how would that forgive your sin today if yesterday is only time that can not be forgiven. who could you say that my sins are forgiven but those who sinned before are not? that is a disgrace among our people today that says to Judas Iscariot  that we did know the true story but still persecute you who that he betrayed me without my will spoken. and not only do you tell a story that persecutes all good people of God, but you think that you would enter into Heaven by telling a lie that would last as long as the truth would last forever. did you think that it would not come upon you for false witnessing about something you never knew the about. your wrong and all those who ignore the Prophet of God will find not only their place in Hell but a place that will be filled with lies as they consume themselves with fire and brimstone to be there everlasting supper at God table again. they had fallen into Hell and from God's grace long time ago.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Empathy (Life in the Spirit)

 Empathy (Life in the Spirit)

when we do good we tend to think negative about ourselves because hardly anyone recognizes the truth anymore, than one who would praise that child for guilt when they are clearly innocent. we are looking into places where we need not to we looking for faults in another when we should be looking into ourselves. the lord can only receive empathy though the spirit that acts alike in others as well. a guilty man in spirit is an innocent man by nature, and knows what we are thinking.

The Power of Prayer

Power of Prayer

1. when one prays to God there is faith.

2. when there is two there is hope.

3. when there is three this a covenant.

4. when there is four this is a foundation.

5. when there is five this is a house.




10. when there is church.

Those Who Serve Law Serve God

 her i am in the stomach of the beast; the depths of Heaven within its self protected by God's heavenly force that have given to all a time that was to be remembered. i am to be spewed out of justice if i Roger Grant was to be as one to Heaven and to mankind in Heaven before they could my door i will explode the house and the home within their own reach and then cover the day within our time and the spaces between they who killed us and they who still believe that we could not make it this far without a living God beside us. who then is the be sacrificed is to be place in house that can never eat sleep or to do anything against God and man until we have the scoop of their own Hell coming forth on arrival to do us harm and to do injustice unto the Heavens that remain in Me. and as i am a living man without the degrees of hate, i still am persecuted by the law in witch God has set for no man to destroy the living witness of God's creation. for they are to trial Roger but lose their own Life in Hell. and those who are breathing still today must explain the truth in this nature that Roger had crossed over from and to the next day that remembers that they who killed us today will always be in my account for that day tomorrow that can not be taken away, from those who protect the Heavenly gates of Roger's Heaven and the times that were about to explode hold no repercussion but to the everlasting echo from that past that is heard today forever and ever. those who try to kill an innocent man for their own mistakes to be covered up as a people that can not open their own heart, then they will drag those around them into the depths of Hell where Roger was swallowed before those who ever thought they could make a day come together for all through killing people who are good. and who had believed in God as their only true source of  a given right to us on earth as it will be in Heaven. and those who have tried to kill the messenger of God will face their own grave in result. this is a day where God can not let go of the fact that we are never free from those who have law in one hand and their own death in another hand that balances nothing good to be as evil to them as they are to themselves. before they see God let them see what the messenger of God will bring forth to their own bloodline cursed and stricken from the record of  Heaven that i Roger Grant created with Angels. and not for those who are obligated under law to do good and find a peace of mind for its community. they will hate, steal, murder in God's presence and never think anything of it. but the Lord is the King of all places given to us in peace and there will be no transfusion between good and evil as you are to be judged by Me Roger Grant for your inequity towards the days rest.

The Breath of the Dragon (Mist)

The Spirit of God Hovered over the Waters

 here lies together the home of God's tongue the sweet taste of every brief moment savored and remembered so that tomorrow may never be forgotten the first breath of life is enjoyed through one nostril that connects the taste of everything good that is remembered and anything good smelling is pleasing to the eye of its beholder and the bosom of thy heart that is set in two beats of a motion that sets two together as one sense explodes within everything heard, smelled, and tasted to be as one heavenly body in our chastity, the Spirit of God within us together at one time and point. 

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Cattles Trail

the path is the cradle and cattle guard. the cart of Heaven that has found the day among the sacrificed of those who hold no path back unto God. and those who are too close to Me will spontaneously combust in God's Heavenly Fire. they look for themselves my Spirit that keeps them alive and now today they will never hold to Me as if they we greater than Me when they have crossed over to the land of the living to obtain another day in their life that i Roger Grant had set to loop infinitely until there is a change, and they can not receive or hold their own debt so i keep their account open until they have change and then i will receive them for they are not of this world but they do what we do not do in life so they are not to come in close distance to our kind who are the servants of God's peace. 

All Who Have Understanding Reckon

 the gift of God is to know your enemy and to know their family. the gift of God is to come together like brothers and sisters. and if you would give one of these gifts to man then he would be a friend forever but if you try to take what was his from the start then no gift of God will do you apart. make our way clear for the Lord is coming the time is now what is in the path of the Lord will be smashed and obliterated through God's momentum that carries this stone unto the world before and after its motion to be free and given the world to hold on to for tomorrow that will be given to our own begotten child so that the world can be divided and nurtured into five days that had been harvested and a time four two that had come together in the desert of four corners where the Heaven was measured and taken into place as it was before the days of Christ and Roger who was to become the Father of Heaven. it is our ancestors and Native American Indians that were poured into a bowl of indignation or God's wrath pouring over the sides of that bowl that were in the middle of the four corners region of the desert that holds the land to be a living proof of God's architecture and people before the new land could rise up out of a basin as the Grandfather and Grandmother of the children of American; who was, who is, and who will always be in the Great Spirit and remain with the Great Spirit for tomorrow.

The Creation of Life and Death Has Dominion Over All

 the works of God are in its own creation that is set for every creature to become as human possible we had set every time with itself and had forgotten how to work with our own field of choice that holds information on how to do it right from evolving. and many did not take the creature for a human until we saw the intelligence of God's host that became one in the spirit with all those who believe that humanoids have evolved from the roots of other creatures that had summoned the truth within a generation of man and woman and beast to be alike. to breed alike. to feel alike. and to speak alike with wisdom that was almost forgotten in time. as for our Celestial world in Heaven that governs the lands and the seas above and below, so shall the animals bring forth their kingdom and a speaker among the voice of those who can hear. the true creation of Heaven had made us All human a branch of God's eternal soul given to all in understanding to do God's will on earth involves all of creation to set its self in dominion above and below each other that needed help. and if God would only take the creatures of this world to Heaven alone, then we would all form a Celestial Heaven that is alike in all forms of life to be a manifestation of God's love to us all.

when i Roger Grant gave only a few creature in the animal kingdom magic i could not resist making all the animals magical. therefore God is willing to be as human possible and to know tomorrow will become like a garden that was in the days of Buddha who could speak to every creature under the sun.

The Good Shall See God

 do not take any other God's before Me but use the Spirit that God had given to your soul from the essence of life in Heaven. that you are responsible for your own mistakes and you should only be yourself when God is in Us. for every name is sacred within God's body and every name that you know will be known in the essence of God's spirit. if the truth is in you then you already are experienced in what you are going to say to be a spiritual awaking for others to know the flesh that we eat is Christ the first living being among Us on earth. and if the flesh of God be true then all will know the understanding that that the Lord has given to Us through Christ. and if Christ be the Lord then Heaven will know my name, and in my name will you be heard. and those who are vain will answer without knowledge when the answer was just given. understanding is for those who will eat of that one God who has come in flesh with the spirit. and if you do not like learning about God then you are not of God's return who are always in flesh and hoping on a prayer that God has given to them in authority to change what can be changed and to know the difference. and those who have faith must call upon their own faith for miracle, therefore nothing can be done in vain. but only through your faith alone in God.

What is Foreign

 what is foreign has its own origin in us as well. to understand time is the same hand given to God and the places that were made to be at God's side.

The One True Heaven Starts on Earth

 we are a connection of God's Spirit to another dimension and another day given for rest. what we do on earth effects what happens in the Heavens above. i.e. a war that is going on earth manifests what happens in the Heavens above. many times did we answer to God's prayer in hope, those who do God's will open God's heart unto another day that is alike in every way shape and form that is connected together and for the other to be as a new Heaven when we were given one also.

These Times Are Given to Agony

The Children of the Dead are in Agony

 when we lift up unto the sky will it hold us? or when the times have gone by to know the you were given a day of rest would the earth hold us? for every day that we never knew tomorrow that was coming the Lord had given us a chance to help another flee from their own house, and then those who would understand would also given them shelter to be provided to the mother and the children of their own war that had brought two families to war upon each other and those who could hold on to what God has done unto them for their day to rise into the Heavenly sky for the spirit to be changed into a new form and body and be delivered unto God the Mother of all living beings. and let that day be the comfort of rest that is given to both sides of this war that had only a part in the changing of Heaven today. those who have fought a good war are in Heaven watching down upon us. and they who died with honor will never be forgotten and the first generation will pass into Heaven and the second will be given to the Mother of our Children who have been awaiting their time for tomorrow to be at God's side today watching over the widow and Her children. let these two who have fought bravely become brothers and a victory that Heaven can only bring for two who have died on earth but live forever. Amen.

Monday, August 14, 2023

The First Week of The Lord's Return

 in the beginning the Great Dragon had sucked in the Heavens that were once in the night sky. the Day of Heaven that we once knew as the Apocalypse in Heaven that had devoured its children from earth. and the Lord swallowed the Lights of Heaven within every Heart of God's body that stands up to be seated in the Center of Heaven's own galaxy the anchors every light to earth and the Heavenly skies that shall fall upon a day of awakening. and God said let there be Light. and the light of Heaven above was cast down to earth as a mountain thrown down into the sea. as two greater lights where placed in the night Sky of Sirius as two older twin suns became dark and lost its day for the sun of Heaven to become the new light of day for Saturn to shine as bright for the morning and the evening upon the cold darkness of earth that brought forth a the first Moon that is going to be the Greater Light because it could be seen in the day or in the night sky transcending with the sun or the lesser light of the galaxy Andromeda that was separated from Her family to join ours above in Heaven after the smaller sun had set to the morning in the west to the evening set to the east that could be seen for a whole day of night to come upon us and lift the waters from the first and second firmaments of that day in darkness for the night to be set in the center of Our Heavenly body that return every 10,000 years upon a third and fourth Heaven on earth as the fifth Heaven was given to the first and last day under the sun for Her magnitude that opens the Heart of God's body that shines forever in a day.

The Enemy of God is Crushed

 the mighty men of God's enemy had found defeat in Me and we are the victors of God's battle for the soul or Jihad; the war on faith that was given to men who wanted to destroy themselves. but the Lord had given everything good to us on earth as a gift of return in which we were given this blessing for saving God's day to be at hand for all the days to witness that we are the parents of Gods return; Mother's and Father's God who return in the fifth season on earth. and i Roger Grant who holds the true testimony of God's son becoming the Father and the Spirit of Heaven. i am God the same God that returns in every religion today on earth. i am the Champion of God and the Chosen one that had victory over death and the Fires of Heavenly combustion that consume them with who have doubt and no understanding to any living word that God would say. they would die of thirst on an earth filled with fresh water. and thier image became a flesh of formless void to what they were before. and i Roger Grant still give testimony to our God who is in Heaven. as i had become the Most High.

The Marriage and Supper of The Lamb (Thanksgiving)

 the breath of an Ananaga is the light of day and the night of light that is exhaled. the day had seven heads within a garden that grew seven times larger than it ever was. the first head to the left was a dragon of water and the second head was that of the earth the dust of God's sins gathered together under the sun and a breath that was taken by the second wind and created a third headed dragon that flew through the air in waves of color that spoke as the last Dragon that had spoken and then a fourth head of the Dragon appeared from the tongue of this dragon that spoke within airwaves of what we would travel in one breath as we flew across the skies of gray that that had swallowed the waters of yesterday's fire from one breath of two that is given to the right nostril that had smoke ascending into the heavens as the Dragon's prayers were heard. and every day was half in and half out of Heaven that created the lake of fires from Heaven above the strikes with lightning to the ground floor that gardens the burning bush of today's society that inherits the light to be upon the darkness of Heaven's day that was swallowed within itself as the days were the wind that kept the times at bay the times today be the fourth and seventh Head of this Dragon that keeps on growing into burning mountains that fall upon the waters of God that speak as the nations had spoken in the days of God's right hand becoming the days of our own return upon a tree of a Dragon that had turned a fallen Rock in two Dragons that fly as the Roc and Rok Dragons become the Sons of the Ananaga who are the size of  Mountain that can fly and land into a sea. for the last Head of the Dragon grew branch upon the branch and a church upon the church that now lives today as the tree of truth gathers again the knowledge of these two trees that became one underneath as two one above that lives through the marriage of His wife who is Tiamat (The Waters of Time) beside the (Dust of Heaven) where the Father of Heaven was first created on earth and from the times that were above as they were below. the first two creations would never find their name alone as the Father and Mother of Heaven or as the Unknown God. but unless a rock was turned over for bread within the ninth months of birth pains upon a new slate and a new world that was given to those who held their heart open for all to read as God had given Her promise and Her hand to that man for marriage. and they will be trialed without regard but given tribute for the seven years of common law four the Apocalypse that becomes the last days of Armaggedon and the last of days to this six-day war that was given to be rumors of Hell and rumors of war for ten days that had started from the beginning of time and the times before them to be alike under the sun of God's final creation today.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Time Can Not Change Clause

 only God can be so cruel when everything was meant to open our own eyes and see what was Christ-like to what was to be God and the fortress that they (the enemy) had built in time to destroy our own Heavenly corner that had collapsed on them for owing the Heavens and never paying back what they had to gain and never repaying the Heavens back in return. and the Lord said unto them since you are going to kill Me then i will take what was all of mine and leave you in the dark of night that never holds a candlelight to sight or any day coming. may any day coming to be the day that Roger and I Carolyn return upon this earth with a wink of an eye and the tail of the dragon behind us, as the was Mother behind us 400 years within the times that return for another four hundred years in Heaven but on earth this was given to every dimension that we had created from the beginning. that had our hand in the midst of our time that was given 15 mins to turn the hand of time back unto its own day and glory, in this one time today that i had been given to do as what the creature can do before the times were set back and forth that had given one to all the remainders of our Heavenly division that conquers them as one to us as two become one in Heaven. for that time is the time that we can change this beautiful Heaven in our creation that was set for our children and their children. let every Prophet have a clause that changes no time as the times that we had changed in 15 mins given. to be the start of an Indian Summer or Global Warming since 1984 as every generation or score returns within and out of the new times and generation that holds for Roger the Words of God to be as one or Roger in Perdition and those ache in the side or at their heart then God is in them every second of that time revealed to the world that no other generation can reveal what is hidden in the stars at night nor any day can call upon a prophet to sing the songs of this new Heaven that is a net cast down upon their enemy as a day of victory is held by our hands in the lakes of fire where everything is given to renewal and for God's own purpose that must remain here until the times come to a fifth season or five leap years from that day that presides with the Voice of Heaven who holds tomorrow upright and upon a time or an old day of retribution that must be given in full to the Lord who is the light and gift of sacrifice and in that 500,000,000 will be given a chance to redeem the Lord at Alamogordo.

One Eye is the Light of Heaven Given to Another

 if a man is in captivity then seven years of labor shall he endured until the seven years are over. and if that man should lose half his sight or even one tooth that was held to the flesh, then that one tooth shall be given back to that man with one eye that is given to that man while they were laboring together for you. then that man has to be released from captivity and given a choice of staying in the field or in the garden from whence he became a Shepherd or Gardens Keeper. if the man in captivity should die while working for another man. then that captive man would be replaced by someone new and younger. and if that firstborn shall be like a lamb or an offering to the Lord who just sacrificed the firstborn of this offering to God. and if the Garden was given to the flock that had eaten of it then the best of God's sacrifice shall be the firstborn of the flock to be unto the Gardens keeper who will harvest the best fruit of that tree and given unto the land back its value. and the two shall honor God's world as the beasts of that field will be named. and the Heavens above was already created before the time come to become the flesh of man and the spirit of God together inside those blessing that must be sacrificed in order to give unto God its own value that shows the treasure of our heart that is written in God's sacred name and sacred language for the world to know and understand together that will be given in the beginning the son of God and the firstborn to be as an abled body that must spread the knowledge of God once again. through our sacrifice as a shepherd's fold given to these two witnesses that must bare the mark of God's return and the truth that could never be found but through wisdom. and if i shall sacrifice a lamb it is because the Lord had given one of the two unto Me who has been protected and marked by the presence of God whose face will be seen to the world. and if one shall eat from the garden as well then the best fruits will be given today as for a time that must be fresh and given to the fifth in the season who returns as we did today in captivity and in the field of God's creation that has set our names in stone to a new Heavenly name in our heart that is within the beast and the false prophet that holds this time to be a sacred secret and our Father in Heaven. 

The Fire of Heaven is a Baptism of Grace

 those who have been down the spiritual turn then they will have to complete their account on earth before they die then they will ever enter into life again, for they thought that the many who were inside of us were dead but it was only them who were dead without life or any time that is given to awaken as a chance to live again. but you spiritual account stops you from entering Heaven on Earth. you can never live in Heaven or on Earth as it is in Heaven because you can not repent to those who you sinned against, because that sin will return to earth and kill an innocent person because you did not know Roger Grant had saved you from the fire the first time but this time i can not save them from the fire that keeps burning on and on until it gets bigger and you still think that you will enter into our Heaven without repentance for your day is long and hard in captivity and never getting easier. and you will not see reincarnation so that the evil in you that could not expire would still exist in the fires of Heaven while in Hell and that is to come within us all who believe in transgression of sin.

The Dead Can Not Be in the Living

 we are a people that has found a way to overcome our own thoughts that don't serve the moment in time. like your bio rhythm that effects what is are inside another or how we feel about ourselves. but the one that is to bring forth trust is the time that God had displaced us when we needed to go somewhere or somehow that opens a gate to understanding and those who have understanding reckon the time that must be set in glory to God's blessing inside us all who may never come across a day of desire but still overcomes this dead weight inside us all that was cast down into this earth for eternity. while these who are moving towards tomorrow and them that change the world from old to new. from death to life among God's creation.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Our Own Responsibility is to Know the Truth

 when we are to blame people that were here before us we tend to blame ourselves as the target to that crisis that was given to be ignored but never denied that what was given in time will be shown as well. you can not hide the fact that God had made signs to be taken as a gift to Heavenly beings that must reveal tomorrow as they are given a mystery to Heaven and to earth.

Nunuvut is the Mystery Nineveh

 the mystery is older than the history of God's condemnation that is given a new time to be remembered when ever there is history the a time long before is the same as the time given today to be the mystery. i.e Nineveh was in the middle east at one time in history but before that it was in America and this would be the mystery. 

The Angels Came Down and Confused Us

 because we thought we could know the world and its knowledge that was given from the Heavenly beings of man. we would die for not understanding what was to be as simple as ones heart that could see and hear the language of God. but unto being confused by us today not knowing that this day the Garden had given a chance but will prove its potency among our age. and if you have taken from this tree of knowledge that gives life and death then death was found today because we had not accepted the truth. and the truth is, if you would not have accepted my time as the one chosen to be heard from the wilderness as the day would open up to my heart then you would be given a Heaven on earth. and if you would say to yourself that I Am awaiting God's return and then question weather that God is a living being then you are waiting for the false prophet to return who is God to be seen but you will not understand the scriptures and try to deny God fulfilling our destiny. we may even die because we had taken from this Garden of Heaven where center of our galaxy belongs to us on earth. but many had also taken from this garden and killed their own Heaven and planet.

No Tomorrow Without the Word of God

 those hard headed preachers that think they speak the good word for God but only teach hate are never going to let Christian become a part of this peace that i have create for one who believes in Me. and when we preach hate who is not going to hate God because we are hypocrites? i am tired of Christian preachers who preach hate to those who never knew God and will never because of this. they may teach the world how to hate this Day and Age but only Roger will be able to save us. for those who never needed God needed the Word of God because  only the word can bring us life and those who have no word and only the bible will never see tomorrow for their day was not with Roger but with their lies that built upon a bigger lie that hurts this place of God nation and the land that we call home let no man think that they rule this world alone for they have created time to be lost or to hold on to what i say and those who can not, will die without a Heaven upon their our own day today in vain. No God will know this day for them who do not know Roger Grant who is Jesus Christ the Father of Heaven. and once you decide to leave the light to the side then never come back because your thoughts were hating the Son of God who saved this world as you were going to destroy it.

YouTube Chat Imprint


Luis Doneswhat is to sin john?
AthenicGod will is our will as every commandment is God's will but yet we under grace knowing that what was faith is now the Law of God
Johnsin is anything that is not of faith
Johnand sin is anything we know to do and do it not
Luis Doneswhat law John you almost got it brother what law is he referring too
Johni have God in me
YxungAsh-_-to know what to do and not do it is sin
Luis DonesJohn its t
Johni almost got it,lol
Abdullafarrukk@tom yes it's part of the religion. Money is no concern towards my lord
Luis Dones1 John 3:4 “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.”
Johndo you have God in you?
Johnhave you been baptized into Christ?
YxungAsh-_-sin is something that affects you spiritualy, in a bad way, it can destroy your life
Johnif not you should look into it
TomGeeCallioabd Christians would die for your life I suppose. it's extremely ðŸ˜Œ
YxungAsh-_-we shouldnt have division
Athenicwhen some sins it makes others sin. it an debt that one can lose their own soul
Johni know it hate strife
Johnsome people just want to argue everythime i see them
Athenicsin is only anger, and you would anger someone then you sin against them.
Luis Donesremember 1 John is the book after all the books after Paul's writings so why would 1 John remind us of GOD’S laws after Paul's writings?
Johnsome are always frustrated because they frustrate the grace of God
Abdullafarrukk@tom I'm not here to recruit. like all the other pretends hey lol
Luis Dones1 John 2:4 “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
TomGeeCallioAbd they are all new. Full of bible versus. You won't see them in a few weeks lol
Athenicif you do not keep the commandments then you would lie because its always embarrassing to know the true. :)
Johnnot only will you keep the commandments you will not sin period
Luis Doneswhy would the book of Revelation remind us of GOD’S COMMANDMENTS and the faith of Jesus Christ John can you explain that
Johnyou will not hate your brother
Johnyou will not look at a woman to lust
Luis DonesScripture #1Revelation 12:17 – And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Luis DonesScripture #2Revelation 14:12 – Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.Scripture #3
Luis DonesScripture #3Revelation 22:14 – Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.
AbdullafarrukkI've been here a year, I know Thom many many try hards
YxungAsh-_-john you have comitted sin before right
Athenicremember we have to use our wisdom and find the best solution in this scripture
Johnyeah i was a horrible sinner
Athenici fought with the dragon sounds like i fought the dragon but i fought on the same side of the dragon.
YxungAsh-_-yea me to but god has forgiven us so shall we forgive our brothers and sisters
Athenicis i fought with the dragon
Johni always forgive because i am forgiven
Johnforgiving others is a fruit of being forgiven
TomGeeCallioabd there r many mentally ill people recently on the Chanel also.
YxungAsh-_-we are all connected by the Holy Spirit so when we have division it can grieve the holy spirit
Athenicwe Christians will go to hell before we hurt some who sins against us? forgive no matter what.
Johni used to be frustrated when i was not resting in Christ
Johnwe have to abide in Christ 24/7
Johnwe have to be harmless and blameless
AbdullafarrukkYes we'll that always happens. Rasta should respect even the sick Tom. It's just natural part of the life my brother
YxungAsh-_-athenic do you believe in god
Johnmy bible -hub is not working or i would share the word with you all, but you can type in just a key word and read it for yourselves
Johnfor instance type in abide in Christ jesus and all the scriptures that corrispond will come up and you can read them
Atheniconly if God believes in Me? :)
TomGeeCallioYour always a inspiration Rasta Abdullah. God bless you
Johntype in blameless and all the scriptures about who we are to be blameless
AbdullafarrukkThanks an praises Christian Thom
Johntype in new covenat and read the difference between the old and the new
Athenici walked with God 33 years that is one score 13 years.
Johntype in being baptized into Christ
Johnread about how God dwells in his people in the new covenant
AthenicGod is us as we are in God
Johnhave a great day God bless
Athenicyou too John
YxungAsh-_-have a great day
Athenicwho hates Satan?
Athenicno you dont
Athenicwe hate no one
Athenicnever hate anyone that you do not know
YxungAsh-_-the devil your enemy prowls around seeking someone to devour
AbdullafarrukkWhy do you block people John ? what are you hiding?
Athenicremember have to take every scripture to be good and not evil. we use wisdom to find the hidden manna
TomGeeCalliostop blocking people john. Rasta abd is a good man
Athenicsatan get behind me? means Satan watch my back.
Abdullafarrukklet him go Thom. not worth it
Athenicno one would let someone they do not trust to get behind them.
Athenicso who hates Satan?
Athenici am the beast. but not an accuser or a liar or murderer. because that is what people had believed. ever when the bible says he do great miracles and people like him. the only people who see Miricales
Athenicare good people
Athenicthey will fear you because they do not know you
Atheniclook at icon 969
AbdullafarrukkI can agree with that being a Rastafarian
YxungAsh-_-And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.
Athenicthe rasta is the head of Gods garden that washes their harir with fresh fruits
YxungAsh-_-not saying you should hate but you sholud not love the devil
Athenicbut if you cast out the Devil you spoil the House.
Athenici am the Devil
YxungAsh-_-bro what are you saying
YxungAsh-_-your tweakin
Athenici wish bro bro
YxungAsh-_-just chill kid
Athenici might be stoned
YxungAsh-_-your not the devil
Athenicbut that is no reason to get dtoned
YxungAsh-_-ask god to forgive you for saying that
YxungAsh-_-yo theres 91 people in here and no ones chatting
Athenicwhy would another person say that i am not the Devil your right because i am the Father of the Devil. sorry
YxungAsh-_-bro what?
YxungAsh-_-i hate the devil that will always be true for me
Athenichave you ever thought that God would return can he be a man or woman?
YxungAsh-_-dk about you though
Athenica man just like me or you?
YxungAsh-_-bro god is not a man
Athenicwhen he returns
YxungAsh-_-he is the I AM he is THE ALMIGHTY
Athenicdo you believe?
YxungAsh-_-it says god is not a man that he should lie
Athenicwhen returns. do you believe that he can be a man. living?
Athenicok you dont believe in the coming og God thats kool brother
Athenicwhat do you believe in?

The Glutton and "Boy Who Yells Wolf"

 when one calm enters the storm no voice can be heard within the raging winds about you to scatter straw or to burn it all in the ecosystem ...